Dick Grayson|| Mute?

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Y/n: 16
(Y/n) your name
(N/n) nickname
(F/n) friend's name
Warnings: none

You walked in the classroom late again. Luckily teacher wasn't there yet so you just casually walked next to your friend.

"You were lucky today, (y/n)" (f/n) said. You nodded your head as an answer. "So what happened yesterday?" she/he asked. 'Nothing special' you signed.

Then your teacher came in the room and the class begun.

After the lesson you walked with (f/n) to her/his locker to get his/her math book.

You leaned on the lockers next to her/his and waited for him/her.

"Hey let's have have a girl's night! You could come to my place and take Luna with you! Perfect idea. I know" (f/n) said. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.

"What do you think?" She/he asked and looked at you. 'I'm in' you signed. "Yes!!" (F/n) cheered and closed his locker.

"What are you cheering about this time?" Dick Grayson asked. "Just going to have the best day with my friend" (f/n) answered and put his arm around your shoulders.

Dick chuckled and took something out of his locker. "We haven't met before. I'm Dick" he said with a smile.

You smiled shyly and waved a little as an hi.

"Don't bother Dick. She ain't gonna talk to you" Derek said and came next to Dick.

Derek was an asshole but still he's somehow friends with Dick.

You rolled your eyes and (f/n) glared at Derek. She/he took your hand.

"Let's go, (y/n)" she/he said. "You leaving already? Can't we talk.. oh wait one of you can't" Derek said with a laugh.

"That wasn't even funny" (f/n) said. Derek rolled his and walked closer to you his friends staying back with Dick.

"Tell me again, how come you don't talk?" Derek asked with a grin. "None of your business" (f/n) said and dragged you towards cafeteria.

"Ugh! He's so annoying" (f/n) said. She/he turned to look at you. "Are you okay?" She/he asked. You nodded with a small smile.

'Just wish that he wouldn't have brought it up again' you signed. "Mhmm. Well he's an asshole so let's forget him. Let's go eat so we won't be late for our next class" (f/n) said and you walked in the cafeteria.

Time skip

It was your last lesson today and you sat next to (f/n) like every time. She/he was talking to you about random stuff and you either wrote down your answers or signed them.

"Good afternoon class." The teacher started and whole class silenced.

Dick and Derek came in late and Mr. Walker separated them.

(F/n) laughed and I shut her/him up so she/he wouldn't be transferred too.

Dick came to sit next to you and (f/n) and Derek went right in front of the class and you were trying not to laugh.

"Psst. Yo Grayson how the fuck can you be that jerk's friend?" (F/n) whispered. "He isn't that bad" Dick answered. "That bad?! Can't you see what he does or says to another students?" (F/n) asked.

I took my notebook and wrote 'Aren't you pretty new here?' and handed it to Dick. "Kinda. Why?" Dick asked.

I looked at (f/n) and she/he realized what you meant.

"You are blind, mate. You should change your friend group.. just saying" (f/n) said. Dick raised a brow.

Time skip

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