Jason Todd|| Gift

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Jason: 23
Y/n: 23
Y/n - your name
M/n - middle name
L/n - last name
Warnings: nah
Summary: Jason has gotten the reader a best gift she could ask for(well probably)
Art credits: InkyDandy(if I'm right)

You laughed at your boyfriend when he hit the ground. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Jay I didn't mean to laugh" you covered your mouth silencing the laughing. Jason rolled his eyes and stood up. "Not everyone can be as good as you are! So fuck off" you chuckled and skated close to him. "I know that Jaybird" you slid on the ice until you were right infront of Jason noses almost touching. "I need to show you my new choreography. So stay here."

You kissed Jason's cheek and turned around. He pulled you back to him before you could skate away so you frowned. "Jay!" He chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Nuh uh. You ain't going before I get a kiss" You rolled your eyes with a smile and looked at him. "Mmm... okay fine" you chuckled and kissed him. You pulled away soon and pushed yourself away from him. "Now watch this!" You went to put the music on.

Jason raised a brow and watched you curiously.

(Aaaand because I'm waaaay too lazy to write the whole choreography imma use a video)

You smiled and looked at Jason. His jaw was almost on the floor which made you laugh. "Why didn't you ever tell me that you're that good!?" You shrugged and skated to him. "Not gonna lie I love watching you spin on the ice. It's hot" you chuckled and looked down for a second. "Thanks" you looked at his beautiful eyes.

"Soo have you thought about getting married?" You choked on the tea you were drinking when Dick asked you the question. "I- what?" Dick looked at you little worried. "Are you planning to get married soon? I would love to be an uncle" you blinked. "Well yeah but I don't want kids yet." Dick shrugged. "Understandable... so is he going to ask?!" He smiled.

You frowned. "Don't go overboard Dick. I've thought about it but I know that Jason isn't really good with long term relationships... I don't wanna rush things with talking about getting married. I don't want to make him uncomfortable ya know?..." Dick shrugged. "Yeah I know. Soo how did the date go yesterday?" He wiggled his brows. "Oh god..."


You smiled when you opened the gift you got from Dick. "Oh my god thanks bro! I love them!" You stood up and hugged him. Dick chuckled and hugged you back. "No problem. I saw your old ones and wow they were looking bad." You rolled your eyes but agreed.

It was Christmas day and you were at the manor with the others opening all your gifts. You've gotten a espresso machine. New puppy that was bit overboard but you liked it. New skates and two hoodies.

Jason jumped up. "My turn! Y/n close your eyes!"  You frowned and closed your eyes. After few seconds Jason asked you to open them again you did you noticed Jason on his knee on the floor. "What are you doing Jay?.." he rolled his eyes and pulled a tiny box from his pocket. "Y/n M/n L/n. I love you more than anything... even more than my bed. And I wanna spend the rest of my life with you sooo..." he opened the box and there was a beautiful diamond ring. You covered your mouth with some tears in your eyes. "Will you marry me?... please say yes because this would be so awkward if you didn't." You chuckled and nodded. "Yes Jason I'll marry you"

Jason smiled and put the ring on your finger. You literally jumped on him hugging him as tight as possible.


Tim nodded and looked impressed. "Wow he must really like her..." he said quietly. "Because he proposed?" Dick asked. Tim shook his head. "No" "Because he didn't curse at all while doing so." Damian finished the sentence before Tim could.

Bus rides are fun. Yeah my computer is fucked so I had to do everything on my phone so this may have more mistakes than normally.

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