Damian Wayne || Happy Ending?

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Y/n: 15
Damian: 15
Y/n - your name
L/n - last name
Warnings: suicide, self-harming,
Summary: the reader has very bad mental health and the only thing keeping her alive is her rock, Damian.
A/n: this is some random late-night shit that I wrote literally in thirty minutes so bear with me guys!

You sat in the corner of your room feeling the panic attack coming up. This has happened before and it's always as bad.

You reached for your phone with your shaky hands and looked for his contact. You waited for him to answer tears running down your cheeks.


"Damian..." you sobbed. "I did it again... I'm sorry I tried. I tried again but I failed... Damian I-" "I'll be right there. Don't move. I'm almost there." You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. "T-thank you"


Damian rolled his eyes as Jason fell on his face. He was goofing around with Dick since there hasn't been any action yet. He looked down at the streets wishing that something would happen. That someone would need help.

Suddenly his phone started ringing making his eyes widened. Luckily they weren't on a mission that would've been a huge mistake.

He reached for the phone and checked the caller. He frowned when he noticed your name. It's fucking 4 am. "L/n?"

Jason and Dick looked up when they heard the name. They then looked at each other for a second both smirking like idiots.

Damian's whole body froze when he heard your sobs. No... he didn't mean you when he wanted someone to need saving! He almost dropped his phone listening to your shaky voice.

Dick became worried as he noticed how tense Damian was and how his fist was clenched. "I'll be right there. Don't move. I'm almost there." He wasn't lying though. They weren't far from your apartment.

He hung up. "I'm out." He walked past his brothers and they both noted how worried he looked. When it came to you Damian had a hard time not showing his emotions. It's like a curse! "What's wrong with Y/n?" Dick asked running after his brother. "No time to explain. Tell father I won't be coming home tonight." And then he was gone.


You hugged your knees close to your body resting your head on top of them. This has gone too far. You knew it, everyone knew it. Especially Damian.

You flinched as you felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up. You were met with the man himself. You sobbed and wrapped your arms around him. Damian's eyes widened as he felt your whole body shaking and wrapped his arms around you protectively.

He didn't ask questions. He never did at this point. He just let you cry your eyes out until you'd fall asleep or calm down. That's what you appreciate about him, he never forced you to talk or never did anything you'd get uncomfortable with. He was a great and sweet guy after you get past the cold part.

After about half an hour of being in his embrace, you pulled away slightly looking down. "I'm so sorry... I know I promised but I... I don't even know what happened to me" Damian took off his mask and placed his hand on yours. "It's okay." "No, it's not! I did it again. I-" "I'm not saying what you did was right. It's okay to not know what's happening okay. At least you called for help." You nodded and hugged him again.

Damian stood up still holding you and walked to your bed. He sat on it so he's back was against the headboard you on his lap.

It was quiet for a few minutes as he rubbed circles on your back. "What happened?" You stayed silent for a minute before speaking up. "I overdosed... well, tried. Mom went on a date and suddenly I found myself in the bathroom taking all the pills... I don't know what got into me... I'm scared Damian..." he closed his eyes bringing you closer if possible. "I'm calling them." You sighed tightening your hold on him then nodded. He kissed the top of your head when you started crying again.

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