Dick Grayson|| skater pt. 2

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Dick: 14
Y/n: 14
(Y/n) your name
Warnings: none
Requested: nope

"Are you sure about this Dicky?" You asked Dick who was on top of on of the ramps in skatepark.

After you got the note from him when he was Robin you realized he's identity and you two became friends. Then after couple weeks you became more than friends.

Since that moment Dick has begged you to teach him how to skate what leads you here.

"Yes I'm sure. I kick ass every night I think I can handle one stupid ramp" he said. "It's harder than it looks" you said. "C'moon have a little trust" Dick said and you sighed. "Fine. Just remember everything I told you" you said.

And then he went down the ramp. He was only halfway and fell pretty harshly on the ground getting hit by your skateboard to the head.

You jumped down from the ramp and ran to Dick. Dick sat up and you put your hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" You asked. "Aww you do care" he said and rolled your eyes pushing him a little. "I told you that you're not ready for the big ramps!" You said louder than you thought. "You could've died!" You said. "I could die every night soo.." he said.

"You know what I ment, Richard" you said and took your skate. He got up and got more serious now. Dick hated when you used his real name that's how he new you were angry.

You began to skate away from Dick but he ran infront of you which caused you to bump into him.

"You can't be mad at me, I didn't do anything wrong" he said. "I'm not mad at you Dick. Seriously you could've hit your head and die. You didn't even have a helmet on!" You said. "Neither do you" he said. "Dick. I'm professional and you're a beginner. I have less chances to fall than you" you said.

"But You aren't mad?.." he asked. "No Dick, I'm not just worried" you said and Dick smiled and hugged you tight.

"So can we try again?" He asked. "No." You answered. "C'moon please" begged. "We need to buy you a helmet first. I don't want your pretty head to get hurt" you said and kissed his nose.

You took your skate. "Let's go I need some coffee" you said and Dick chuckled.

You walked in starbucks and got your favorite drink and Dick got the same.

You walked out and talk about random stuff. Then you walked back to the skatepark since Dick wanted to see how you skate.

"Nice skateboard man. Where did ya get it?" Some dude asked from Dick. "Umm actually it's mine" you said and the dude looked at you and laughed. "You're kidding right?" He asked. "No" you answered

The guy looked at his friends. "Oh yeah? Show us something then and I mean something else than just rolling with it" he said with a laugh.

You smirked and stepped on your board. First you pushed a little speed for yourself then jumped up doing frontside 180 and after that frontside flip.

You then went to one if the biggest ramps and did frontside ollie easily.

You then skated back to Dick and the guy and stopped infront of him doing the nose pickup.

"Boom" was all you said and went to Dick who had a really proud look on his face. Dick put his arm over your shoulder and you two walked out of there you laughing your butt off.

"That was awesome" Dick said. "Did you saw the guys face?" You said and laughed. "No messing with my girl" Dick said and you looked at him with a raised brow. "My girl? Huh I kinda like that" you said and Dick chuckled.

Your phone rang and you checked who it was. "It's my dad. I gotta go" you said looking at Dick. "Really? Your dad ruins everything" he said. "Don't be so dramatic he's been in his business trip for four weeks and wants to spend time with me now that he can" you said with a laugh.

"Whatever. Tell Buddy I said hi" he said. "I will" you said and gave Dick a quick kiss. "I'll call you later Dicky" you said and did the biebelheimer and skated to your house.

*Dick's pov*

I watched (y/n) leave and I smiled. 'Man I'm lucky to have her' I thought and walked to the Wayne manor.

I got a new skateboard today and man I'm the happiest girl alive now lol.

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