Dick Grayson|| secret

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Dick: 15
Y/n: 15
(n/n) nickname
(l/n) last name
Warnings: none

Dick was acting little off today. Every time you would touch his arm he would jump a little and you could see the pain in his eyes.

You were super worried about your boyfriend you usually told each other everything but now, if you ask about his weird behavior he would say it's nothing or don't worry about it.

You didn't like seeing him in pain nor that he wasn't telling you the truth.

You understood that he can have a life of his own and things he wouldn't tell you but this seemed so out of normal and you couldn't help but get worried.

After your English lesson, you went to wait for Dick to get out of his lesson, but he never came out.

You quickly found out that he went home due to a bad headache which was weird cause he always tells you if he leaves early.

You couldn't help it anymore so you walked out of your school towards the Wayne manor.

Once you reached the manor you knocked on the door and Alfred opened it. "Ah miss (l/n), it's wonderful to see you again" he said with a huge smile. "You too Alfred. Is Dick here?" "Not yet, he's out with master Bruce and will be back soon. You can come in and wait for him in his room" he suggested. "Thank you Alfred" you stepped in. You looked around completely forgotten how big the place really was.

You walked in Dick's room and saw it was actually clean. You looked around his room and smiled. This room was where you had your first kiss and he asked you to be his girlfriend.

You jumped on his bed and giggled for your childish behaviour. You took your books out and started doing your homework while waiting for Dick.

After a while, you heard the door opening so you looked up from your book.

Dick threw his phone on the table near his door and once he looked up he jumped seeing you just sitting there and of course you burst out laughing.

"Not funny (n/n). You gave me a heart attack" he said hand on top of his chest. "I'm sorry Dicky I didn't mean to scare you" you put your books away.

"What are you even doing here?" He closed the door. "I wanted to know what's going on. And don't say nothing, cause I know something's up. You haven't acted yourself today Dick. I'm worried about you.." you said looking at him in the eyes. Dick sighed and came to sit infront of you.

"I.. I really am not supposed to tell you. You could get into trouble and I don't want anything bad to happen to you" he said in a calm voice and took hold of your hands.

"But I wanna know what is going on in my boyfriend's life. You're scaring me, Dick. You jump by just me touching your arm, I can see the pain in your eyes and you leave from school and tell everyone it was just a headache but then I hear that you've been out all this time. Don't you get it, Dick? I'm worried and it's killing me when you won't tell me the truth..." you looked down.

Dick lifted your head up to look at you and sighed again. "Okay just please don't get mad at me" he said worriedly and you nod as an answer. "I- I'm robin and yesterday I was fighting with some bad guys and one of them shot me and the bullet hit me in my arm. It's still sore from yesterday. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier Bruce said I couldn't tell anyone" he said looking at you worried that you might be angry.

You looked at Dick very long and he couldn't tell if you were angry or not.

"Prove it" "What?" Dick asked confused. "Prove that you're Robin" you said.

Dick took hold of your hand and pulled you out of his room. You stopped at some old clock and Dick changed the time and the clock moved.  Dick took your hand again and let you down the stairs.

Once you were down your jaw dropped. "Is this what I think it is?" You looked around in awe. "Yeah. This is the batcave" Dick said and came next to you taking your hand again.

You walked some stairs up and straight to his suit. "There. You believe me now" he pointed the Robin suit. "Wow" was all you could get out of your mouth.

You turned around to look at Dick and met his eyes. "You really are Robin" he nodded. "I can't believe I'm dating Robin!" You said a bit louder walking around the place. "Is it a good thing or a bad thing?.." Dick asked. "It's a great thing!" You turned to look at Dick again with a smile. Dick let out a sigh of relief and walked to you pulling you into a hug.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he around your waist. "You've always been my hero and now you're literally my hero" you said and Dick chuckled.

"Thank you for understanding love" he said and kissed the top of your head.  "Of course Dicky" you said and pulled away just so you could look at his perfect eyes.

Once you saw his eyes you smiled and he smiled back at you. Dick leaned down and his lips met yours. It was amazing just like all of your kisses and you loved all of them.

You were kissing awhile then suddenly heard someone clear their throat behind so you pulled away and saw Bruce Wayne standing there with Alfred.

Dick laughed awkwardly and you both knew that you would be getting a lecture from Bruce today and probably the talk...

Hey guys! So just here to tell ya that next update will be the one I got requested. And a reminder for you that you can always send me requests and I'll be more than happy to do them :)

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