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Anger, disgust and frustration were the emotions that reined the horses of Khaled's sanctity as he stormed inside his office. Even after punching Daniyal ,Khaled's magma of anger and disgust didn't seemed to simmer down rather it had intensified . Because in the end ,it wasn't just about Daniyal it was about every single person whose callous attitude had endangered the life of a single soul. In his career of being a doctor,he had seen several cases of rapes walked through the door of Al Firdous ,broken and shattered and mostly they left as a dead body or much worse a living corpse. As violating a woman's body didn't just left physical scars ,it left cankerous wounds on the soul ,the wounds that burned the soul with unthinkable anguish and agony with every breath, it scorched the  happiness and joy of not the soul suffering but everyone related to that soul. And it took magnanimous amount of courage and perseverance to even take a step towards the healing process of those wounds and sadly not many had it or could make it. He couldn't understand how could Daniyal be so casual about putting one life in danger and not be marred by any guilt or regret . No soul was a commodity to be battered away. Daniyal himself was a doctor ,if not known atleast seen the pain 'Then how could he ?'..was the question incessantly throbbed inside Khaled's mind .The  question: How could he leave behind Emaan among those lecherous being and then not even make an effort or attempt to save her, perplexed him .And eventually it was such guiltless hearts that went on living their life as sole priority while it didn't concern to them what happened to others or who they were tramping over to save their backs until it didn't effect them .But just because others pain may not affect our life didn't mean we were to become blind to it ...because this blindness inaugurated a deathly darkness to prevail, that devoured the moon and stars of other's life .And this darkness was what the world suffered and breeded ....and his country was what now suffering from.

And acting as a catalyst to all this turmoil flaring in his entire existence was the images flashing through his mind : the images  of Emaan when he had found her in the passageway .Her tattered condition ,her shivering self and the fear made Khaled's rage soaring to new heights, making his hazel eyes turn into a even more darker shade reflecting the roaring storms of his internal realm. Khaled knew in his heart that he would have felt the same rage ,same disgust if it had been any other girl but yet a part of him : a part that was non- existent until now, to his utter frustration squeaked with thoughts that it affected him more cause the girl was Emaan .Khaled rubbed his face in annoyance as he thought,

No matter how much I clear my mind with these ridiculous thoughts, why do they end up cluttering in my conscious like leaves in autumn..

Autumn ? Ya Allah !What is with wrong me ..why am I all of a sudden so much  fascinated with autumn...

Khaled groaned at his ridiculous thoughts and frustratingly ran his hand in his already dishevelled jet black hair while trying to comb away the fallen strands of  hairs from his forehead but eventually some petulant strands again elegantly fell on his forehead just like the novel petulant thoughts in his mind making him even in his frustrated state ,an alluring sight to see. Feeling tired with everything especially his own self and the vicious circle of rage conquering him ,Khaled decided to perform ablution to cool down his anger and relieve and declutter his mind from every outrageous thoughts.

Taking off his shoes ,he walked inside the attached washroom to his office and it is when the cold water had graced his hands making him wince ,that he had realised that he had bruised his knuckles in his attempt to punch Daniyal .Heaving a sigh ,he looked at his bruised knuckles as he thought ,

Great !looks like I am not just losing my mind but my senses too!!

Blowing out a breath and shoving off every thought from his mind ,Khaled performed ablution and walked out of the washroom . Wearing his shoes ,he sauntered towards his table and hanging his jacket & muffler on the chair ,he pressed his left hand on his stiff neck while taking out the first aid box from his table's cabinets when his eyes fell on the case study of Hemophobia lying on his table. And just like that there was again dawn of thoughts in his mind : the thoughts from which Khaled desperately wanted to escape .But could the flower escape from blossoming or the sun from shimmering or the dead seed from sprouting into a green life or the wintry world from the warm embrace of spring .No.....they could not because they were planned and destined to be so by the The Best Planner - Ar Rahman . Then how could Khaled escape his Qadr when his heart was fated to blossom with the flower of love ,his life was meant to shimmer like sun by the presence of someone ,a part of his heart where no one has ever existed , that had always remained in the dead darkness of oblivion was to find its rightful possessor and long existing winter of his heart was to come to a conclusion as it was to be invaded by the spring of warmth and happiness...because it was all a part of the immaculate plan of Allah SWT.

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