Where she loses and Where he realises

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A lush greenery surrounded her far and near to such an extent that at its seeming end it came across meeting the blue heaven that had tufts of clouds dabbed all over it, looking like some flock of sheeps who bored with their regular grazing ground had meander to the sky to have a change of view. The atomosphere held a soothing warmth and a blissful fragrance as the wind blew swiftly ,combing the strands of grass into rhythmic waves and tickling her bare feets .

Confused and yet in awe ,she looked around and out of habit stroked her hands over her belly to find it to her horror flat, unlike those past eight months where she had seen it growing showing the sign of life ,the testimony of love ,actualization of her and husband's silent duas and the most importantly the majesty of AR RAHMAN's mercy . She frantically looked around as what she thought until now to be a dream ,a safe haven had turned out to be worse than a nightmare . In crumbling agitation ,she yanked away her hairs blocking her view but as she removed the veil of hairs before her eyes, she stilled . Her eyes automatically glistened as she saw Amir walking towards her with a smile .Her heart gurgling with happiness and her mouth uttered out incoherent words before she sprint towards him .

But to her terror ,the grasses that till now were tickling her feets had now clasped their hold ,tightening with her every struggle .She looked at the grass that crawled over her and then glanced at Amir who had stopped at a distance .She tried to snatch away the grasses leaping ,binding and pulling her down with them but all her attempt failed and slowly yet swiftly she was wrapped in the shroud of grasses with her last vision of smiling Amir .

Darkness had pervaded all round .She had given up ,lost all hope .

She was sinking and sinking ...

Until she heard a voice ,a voice not of Amir ,a voice that she had heard before but who ,she didn't know .Yet it gave her hope to make an attempt no matter how trivial and that was enough to shatter the illusion of sub-conscious as she ambled out its way to find a face leaned closer to her and as she fluttered her eyes to see clearly, she heard ,

"Alhamdulillah ,she is back ,she is back to conscious Yamama ".

A chorus of Alhmadulillah echoed in the room .

Magrib blinked her eyes in confusion when the gut wrenching pain tore away the facade of skepticism making her sprint into the reality with a shriek as the past's bitter reality tumble down ,trembling her soul and leaking through her eyes. She hiccuped with a painful whimper ,


Emaan tighten her hold on Magrib's one hand and quickly wiped away her tears and sweat as she tried to console her when Yamama shouted ,

"Shit her blood pressure is not lowering I cannot perform caesarian with such high blood pressure !Leyla pass me hydralazine now ! Emaan calm her down if this continued she might end up having a seizure and the child will suffocate and die and she will also!..She needs to concentrate on pushing  .."

Emman nodding fervently moved her hand back again on Magrib's face and gently cupping her face ,she coaxed her ,

"Magrib habibti look at me !Please you need to be strong for the baby ,for the love and part of Amir that breathe inside you ,that's still very much alive ,for that you need to show strength ,don't let the baby die .He needs her mother's patience and strength to survive ,to enter into this world ,to finally meet you .Don't lose your courage and hope when it's needed the most ...for the sake of Amir ,for the times you had cried for this moment ...please push habibti ,please .Make your baby believe that her mother is capable of a strength to protect it .You cannot bring back to life who has gone but if you strengthen up habibti you can save the life breathing inside you ,you can save the last essence of your love ,please for the baby...." Emaan bit her lips as her throat clogged up with emotions and tears slipped out of her eyes despite her attempt to stop them by blink back her eyes while other staff also had their eyes shimmering with unshed tears .

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