Prickling Thoughts

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Sound of gunshots and shrieks resonated in the entire Masry house. Emaan felt the time froze and her heartbeat stilled until she heard the  shattering of vase kept across her making her come out of her reverie to see that Khaled was wincing holding his arm while to her astonishment the leader was on the floor with his palm completely smeared in blood. She looked around frantically to understand what had happened only to find that a new set of men had entered the house and had overpowered the pre existing ones .A tall giant man among the new set of men roughly held up the leader who was slithering on the floor in pain and glaring at him with complete detest ,pushed him towards his men and ordered ,

"Khudh hdha althueban warijaluh baeidana "(Take this snake and his men away ).

Saying it ,he sauntered towards Khaled and asked ,

"Hal 'ant bikhayr ya 'akhi"? (Are you all right brother?)

"Nem alhamdulilah ...shukraan lakum min ja' fi alwaqt almunasib wa' atlaq alrasas ealaa yadah mimma tasabab fi murur alrasasat bidirb dharaei walays min khilal qalbi".
(Yes Alhamdullilah ...thanks to you who came at right time & shot at his hand causing the bullet to pass by scathing my arm and not through my heart).

" Yjb 'an 'aqul 'iinani muejib jdana bishajaetik....balmnasbt aismi Omar Khaleel....eudw fi jaysh altamarud almadanii".(I must say I am very much impressed by your bravery the way my name is Omar Khaleel ..a member of civillian rebellion army ).Omar said putting his hand forward for a handshake.

" 'Iinna Khaled Al Hassam ...tabib bimustashfaa Al Firdous "(I am Khaled Al Hassam ...a doctor at Al Firdous hospital ),Khaled said shaking Omar's hand.
Smiling at him,Omar looked behind Khaled and asked Emaan ,

" Are you all right sister ?"

At Omar's question ,Emaan looked up only to get her breath hitched and throat clogged up as she came across Khaled's eyes. She didn't knew whether it was guilt seeing his pain filled expression or the concern flickering in his eyes that robbed away her speech .She wasn't even sure that it was actually concern or she was just imagining things .Immediately lowering her gaze , Emaan nodded her head in affirmative .The only reply she was capable of with her mind & heart being muddled up with myriad thoughts and emotions. She was trying to decipher the cryptic thoughts & emotions her mind and heart were sprouting when she heard Dr Masry,

"Were they also members of civillian's rebellion army ?"

"No ,they are a part of the government scheme to spoil our image....they were prisoners whom government released to act as members of our army and using our name they kill ,rob , rape.. any crime you can think of they do ....and use our name so that people think we are doing this that general public lose their confidence over us...and more importantly they try to harm non native people so that sympathy & support we might gain from outside world is also chopped off....this is all government plan against us .."

" But these prisoners are own countrymen ...under this government they and their families are also suffering ..can't they understand they should be loyal to the people instead of these dictators " Halima said exasperatingly .

" Ukhti you think these people will be loyal to us or to this country when they couldn't be loyal to Allah AlMalik".
Omar said giving a bitter smile.

Heaving a sigh ,Omar continued ,

"See I can't stay here more because even though firing between us and the cops is on ceasefire ...these snakes of government are still  causing havoc....they have killed ,raped & plundered to such an extent that people have escaped from their houses ..leaving areas of Al Saf ,Al Minar and many more totally I want to warn you all that there is many groups like them on streets was Allah's mercy that we were going from your street in search of them ..and saw your broken door which is one of their signature styles and came here on right time...but you all need to be careful  & keep your guards up leave to Allah Al Malik ...."
Saying it ,Omar looked at Khaled and slightly nodding at him sauntered out of the house with his men.

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