A Step Towards New Beginning

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Paying the taxi fare ,Emaan rushed towards the narrow lane leading towards her house. Neither scorching heat of the sun and nor the slaps of heat waves could curb her enthusiasm and anxiety.. The enthusiasm to tell her parents that finally in the third year of her MBBS she had topped in her class and the anxiety that they had not been picking up her call since she got this happy news had made her go haywire with emotions. This had never ever happened that her both parents failed to pick up her call.  .The panic engulfing her had dissipated all her excitement. As she entered through the gate ,she ringed the bell multiple times ,pressing parched lips together again and again ,praying for her parents well being . But seeing no response from the side she rummaged through her bag for the spare key ....but the ascending panic made it a insurmountable task. Finally finding the keys she put the key with shivering hands into the key hole and only to find that door was open. Incessantly putting all negative thoughts away,along with reciting duas she could remember at the moment, she shouted for her mom and dad . Getting no reply ,she ran towards the rooms. As she ran towards her parents room she passed by the kitchen .Emaan felt something she saw and she traced her steps back towards the kitchen only to see her perfect life crumbled into pieces as she saw her mother and father lying there dead in pool of blood .

January 5, 2011

Ya ALLAH ,Ya AR Rahmaan , you are all loving and compassionate ..every being consistently mutter your greatness and bow in thy gratefulness but this sinful abdi of yours consistently fails to do so .Even if I try.. I every time succumb to the loses that I experienced 4years ago and my life seems to have stilled there. I can't move ahead ,I crave for being dead like them even though I know it's a sin. I am sorry ya Rabbi...I am so so sorry...but help me guide me ya Rabbi  I need you more than ever....I have decided to leave this place so let's this journey heal me and come more closer to you .So that when I meet my parents they are proud of me Ya Rabbi . Ya Allah !Grant  highest level of Jannah to my parents . Provide ease to every suffering souls out there.

Stroking her teary face with her hands ,Emaan folded her prayer mat and went to keep it on the window sill ,the only place that was devoid of any item that she needed to pack for her tonight's journey. She removed the curtain from the window and looked at the place where was once a lushful garden existed under her mother's supervision but now it was barren just like her heart. Heavily sighing and blinking back her tears , Emaan decided to read Qur'an before she could continue packing for her journey that was going to change everything.

" Are you kidding me " Sana shouted at Emaan as soon as she entered her room and saw her packing.

Emaan smiled at her friend who had been baffled at her decision of leaving India and going to another country.

" My packing should be enough proof for you now that I am not kidding " Emaan replied making Sana more annoyed

" Like I don't understand ,how come a form that we were made to fill in first year of our medical college that if we were given opportunity to work as a doctor in any three places of our choice , what places those would be......& those results suddenly came now after like 6 years or something....like how and why in the biryani you wrote Syria as your first choice of place ? Why didn't you choose like other four students who got selected.. who chose America and other countries? Like why? Are you dumb ?..No ...let me change the question because no doubt you are dumb ..but do you have brains or something like that ?"

Emaan smiled at her overdramatic friend and continued her packing as she replied
" Well ,the new government is keen on making good relations with countries from which it could profit ....and the decision had to come only when we become actual doctors and so now it is ..and government think it's good to exchange not just goods but human resources too in order to stabilize the relationship with countries it wants to invigorate trade relations. And what's the problem with Syria ...it's beautiful, filled with good people and far away from this place "

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