A Man Named Mercy

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" Stay behind me " Saying it, Khaled turned around as the door opened but Emaan was left shocked as she peeked and saw the man. Before Khaled and the man could address each other ,Emaan quickly came out leaving both men shocked .Khaled couldn't verbalise his agitation as he was pushed in a abyss of much deeper confusion when both the man and Emaan spoke at the same time ,

" Mr Rahman!!"

" Daughter!"

" How come you here daughter?" Mr Rahman  asked in surprise.

"I got trapped...." Emaan couldn't complete what she was saying as Khaled clutched hold his jacket she was wearing thereby halting her advancing steps towards Mr Rahman and making her turn to look at him .Seeing the expression of suspicion lurking on his face as he looked at Mr Rahman,Emaan quickly said,

" This is Mr Rahman Doctor ,we can trust him ....I know him very well".

Khaled looked at Emaan and then glancing back at Mr Rahman ,he unclutched his hold off the jacket while slightly nodding at Mr Rahman in reverence at the same time.

As Emaan narrated the entire episode of how they ended up in the deserted building ,the emotions of shock ,anger ,disgust and concern flickered in Mr Rahman's eyes. And as soon as Emaan ended, the concerned Mr Rahman instantly asked her,

" Daughter you not hurt anywhere ?"

Emaan nodded her head in negative and giving a small smile at Mr Rahman's concern she said,

" No I am not Mr Rahman ...thanks to Doctor Khaled who saved my life twice ".

Novelty in life usually either surprises ,amuses or confuses one but Khaled felt  surprised ,amused and confused altogether as a surge of weird & foreign emotions invade his heart as he heard for the first time his name pour out of Emaan's mouth.And to his much more bewilderment, his fortified heart already seemed to be surrendering to this foreign invasion  .But a sneeze became his saving grace by not only protecting his body from foreign invasion but his heart too and eventually making him dive out from the sea of weird, novel emotions that were keen on drowning him .Ensuing of chaos in his heart and its settlement happened just in nanoseconds but Khaled somehow knew the debate that those nanoseconds had ensued in his mind was going to rob away many hours of solace of his life. After whispering Alhamdulillah and blaming the absurdity he was experiencing to the cold, when Khaled looked up ,he found Mr Rahman standing before him with a smile and said holding his hand,

" Dr Khaled I am very " But Mr Rahman abruptly stopped what he was saying as he realised how cold Khaled's hands were and looking wide eyed at Khaled ,he said,

" Dr Khaled your hands freezing and you are sneezing too....where are your warm clothes".

Listening to him ,Khaled eyes flickered a bit towards Emaan who looked down fidgeting with the hem of the jacket and then quickly glancing back at Mr Rahman he said,

"No it's alright Mr Rahman ..I am fine ".

" La la ( No no ) how is it fine....you are not wearing a single warm cloth".

Hearing Mr Rahman ,Emaan glanced up to see Khaled to realize that he still wasn't wearing his sweater .She jogged towards the room in which they had prayed while Khaled and Mr Rahman frowned in confusion. It is when she had came out of the room with sweater in her hands is when their confusion found a conclusion & they both sighed in relief. Giving the sweater to Khaled ,who took it with a slight nod of gratitude,Emaan turned towards Mr Rahman as she asked him,

"Mr Rahman I don't understand this how come you are here ?".

" I will tell you daughter but this not right place....those men can be still around here ....we need to leave this place...I will take you two to my house as I don't think going to hospital is safe as we don't know which area or route those prisoners might be and fight starts anytime now especially between these prisoners groups only who want to overpower each other....if not fight then they ambush and things you already know they do...Allah wahdah yakhlus min alfawdaa alty yusbibnuha" (Only Allah can save from the mess they are causing)

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