The Queen of Embarassment, the King of Smirk

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Taking the cookies from Khaled ,Abida trotted away not before beaming at him .Khaled smilingly glanced back at Mr Rahman who walked towards him with first aid box in his hand. Handing Khaled  first aid box ,Mr Rahman sat across him and said ,

"La bd 'ana hadha yahtawi ealaa 'adwait albard walhumaa....ladayk wamin thna ymknaa 'an nusli Isha alsalah 'huna li 'ana alwaqt qad han tqrybana, baed dhlk tastarih hataa yahin waqt alkhuruj"

(This must have medicines for cold and fever have it and then we can pray Isha salah here as it's almost time.,.after that you rest till it's time to go out)

"Sanusli huna walakun madha ean almasjid aldhy mararana bih 'athna'  mujayayina 'iillaa huna....'alsyat hadhih almintaqat aminatan huna mae jaysh altamarud almdny"  (We gonna pray here but what about the mosque we passed by while coming here ...isn't this area safe here with civillian rebellion army?)_Khaled asked frowning.

Mr Rahman heaved a sigh as he said,

"Kama aietaqadna dhlk hataa qabl thlatht 'ayam eindama hajamatuna min alsujana' ' athna' salah almagrib ...qatal jaysh sayfilian likunahum aydana  'ashkhas eadium mithlak wamithali  wa ' aslihatahum la tuqarana bihula 'alrijal alqadhirin....laqad ' anqadhuna walakun maat alkthyr min alnnas ka shaheed...waleadid min aldahaya 'arsalana bijahid kabir 'iilaa Al Firdous"
(We also thought so until three days ago when during magrib salah ,a prisoner group attacked us...civillian's army fought back but they are also normal people like you and me and their weapons is nothing compare to those filthy men carries...they saved us but many people died as matryers ..and many casualties which we with so much effort sent to Al Firdaus ) Mr Rahman gulped down the lump that had formed in his throat before continuing,

"Lm natamakan min fahum sabab hujumihim ealaa almasjid ealaa 'anah ma ymkn 'an yasruquh min almusaliyn....alnaas aldhyn hamaluu jawaharat al 'iiman almahabat Allah ....walakuna baed dhlk qam rijal jaysh almadaniat bitanwirina li 'anahum 'akhbaruna 'ana hadhih qad takun khutatan hukumiatan limane alnaas min altajamue li 'ana hadha sayamnae alnaas min alaitihad wa 'an yusbih jaysh altamarud 'aqwaa...lidha fa 'iina ahd ahdifihim alrayiysiat Alan hi na'zubillah almasajid 'aw 'aya mintaqat yumkin lilnaas 'an yajtamieuu fiha"

(Intiallly we couldn't understand why they attacked on mosque as what they could steal from the people praying ...people who only carried jewel of faith and love for Allah ....but then men of civillian's army people enlighten us as they told us this might be government plan to stop people gathering as this will prevent people to unite and rebellion army to become more one of their main target is now Nauzubillah are mosques or any area where people can come they asked us to only make call for Salah at mosques but pray at homes ,until they become strong enough to defeat all prisoners they can't protect and attack at the same time ...)

Khaled clenched his jaw in anger and then exhaling hard he said ,

"Mr Rahman 'urid mink merwfana...hal yumkinuk min fadhlik tanzim tariqat ma lileawdat 'iilaa almustashfaa li 'ana alaistimae 'iilayk 'asheur 'anana bihajat 'iilaa 'an nakun hunak akthar min 'ayi waqt madaa...hayath yahtaj alnaas 'iilaa khadamtina aihtama binafsiin kthyrana walakun 'araa maratayn 'ana Dr Emaan yataearad 'urid  'an 'aghtanim 'aya  furas ukhara...lidha yumkinuk 'an tajid tryqana amnana lilaewdat 'iilaa mustashfa Al Firdous"

( Mr Rahman I want a favour from you ...can you please organise some way to go back to hospital as listening to you I feel we need to be there more than ever... where people need our services..I wouldn't have care much about myself but seeing twice  Dr Emaan getting in danger....I don't want to take any more chances so can you find some safe way back to Al Firdaus hospital....)

"Ymknny altahaduth 'iilaa bed afrad aljaysh almadanii limurafaqatikuma 'iilaa 'atasil bihim baed salah wa 'araa ma 'iidha kan bi 'iimkanihim musaeadatana bitariqat'ahdhhab wa 'atsil bisalah fi almasajida ....hataa dhlk  alhin ladayk diwa 'watatawadaa...'eindama 'aeud ymknna 'an nusli alsalat meana....alhimam hu 'awal bab fi almamar" (I could talk to some civillian's army members to escort you two to hospital...I will call them after Salah and see if they can help us in some way....I will go and make call for Salah in the till then have medicine and make ablution when I come back we can then pray salah together ....the washroom is the first door in corridor.) Saying it ,Mr Rahman sauntered out of the house .

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