Fifty minutes to go...

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Releasing out the puff of smoke in the air ,he looked at his partner, always a miser in using words whispered ,

"Don't you think you gave him too much leeway ?".

"After togetherness of so many years you still doubt me ?". He smirked taking a puff .

"I don't doubt ! I just hate when you entertain bugs unnecessarily ! Just kill them at first chance cause if you let them around too much they will only create more sound ,more noise !". He wheeled his chair to face him properly .

The man smiled,wrinkles around his eyes getting more prominent then ever, releasing the puff and throwing the cigrette he stomped on it,

"I know you don't like wasting time but what's the fun in killing them right away !", The man grinning rubbed the cigarette brutally under his feet added ,

"Sometimes it's more fun to make them suffer and suffer until they beg for death ! And this bug had the audacity to threaten me ,he deserves to suffer to such an extent that he will beg to me for his death !". Smiling at his partner ,he looked at his men asking ,

"Is that girl conscious ?".

"Yes she has but we were just going to give her another dose but thought to ask you Boss first !".

The man smiled gesturing the young man come closer to him and taking out a pouch he fished out some pills from them and handed it to him ,making the young man smile in reverence.

"I like your loyalty .This is your reward but you know what's your real reward ! Go record that girl's voice and then do whatever you want to do with her ! I mean all of you ! Getting me ?". He smirked while the young man nodded with a vicious grin that was plastered on his other mates .

"What do you mean by that ?". At the words ,the man wheeled around to look at Dr Isa all terrified and shaken, walked closer to him before he added all dumbfounded ,

"You promised that you won't do anything to her ! You said that I had to bring her only to get Khaled to you and after that you would let her leave this country alongside with me !Then what is the meaning of this ?".

"Isa ! Isa ! You have always been such a weak hearted that's why you couldn't succeed !". The man moved to stand close to Dr Isa ,

"Success demand sacrifices .If you want something you need to learn to sacrifice things no matter how much beloved .You see nothing comes from free .The greater the sacrifice the greater is the reward.Isnt that Allah want us to learn through story of Ibrahim AS story ,the ability to sacrifice.Ibrahim AS was ready to kill his son cant you sacrifice your namesake daughter .Or don't tell me you dont you want to meet your Musa and Haroon ?Don't you want your wife to be happy? Don't you want your family back ? Are you ready to make these all sacrifices for that girl ?". The man smirked while Dr Isa pleaded joining his hands,

"Please don't do this to me !Please ! I already did what you asked me to do ! I already lost so many people please .." Dr Isa bended forward with his head resting on his joined hands, in plea and desperation .

The man keeping his shrivelled hand on Dr Isa's shoulder made him look up ,

"Don't worry Isa ! This will be the last sacrifice and remember the reward you will get for it !". He smiled before moving past Dr Isa ordering his men when Dr Isa held his arm stopping him ,

"Please ! Atleast wait for one hour please !You said you will wait for one hour to Khaled !".

"I did ! But now I am saying I won't !". He whisked his arm off from Dr Isa grasp while grin taking place seeing the horrid helpless look of Dr Isa before looking back at his men ,he ordered,

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