Shadows of the Sun

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A/N :Sorry for the late update it just that I have been piled up with assignments and two of my assessments of assignment I got remarks that I can do better or I wasn't putting my heart into it ..and I am like the only way I can put more of my heart into it is by literally taking it out and wrapping up in assignment and giving it to them ...😑khair sorry for venting out my frustration here ..

Happy reading and sorry chapter is long so read it when you are free!.🤗


A loud uproar of clapping resonated the entire auditorium of Brearley School For Boys as the principal of one of the profound elite elementary school of America moved to award the medal and trophy of man of the match to a seven year old Khaled Al Hassam.

Every eye was on the little guy who looked beyond handsome even with his dishevelled and exhausted state after winning the final football match of School tournament against rival school team. His soiled white jersey and knickbonkers ,his still red face with all running and sweat couldn't steal away his charming aura as he stood on the ground with air of confidence yet his curious hazel eyes searched for his parents among the crowd of adults .Neither his happiness or his attention was bound to the trophy or medal offered to him but only the presence of his parents was what his heart craved after all that hardwork ...cause to his little heart that was way much better than any trophy or medal.

But all he got was a set of strangers celebrating his happiness but his own was no where to be seen .Khaled stretched his lips into a customary smile as his principal made him face the camera but his eyes fell on the opposite team children whose parents were consoling , embracing and laughing with them .And at that moment Khaled's little heart squeaked with a desire to interchange his position .He was ready to give away all his trophy and medal if only he was loved and embraced like those children.

He was ready to choose loss over win only if his parents were there to console him .

Giving a farewell to his team players ,Khaled picking his kit walked out of the school ,his eyes still searching ,still hopeful that atleast his parents will come to pick him up .He had told them about this day so many times ,they couldn't forget, could they ..

But as Khaled saw his car and Gerald only standing near the car ,Khaled's last hope also thumbed down brutally .Khaled sulkily walked upto Gerald and reaching him he smiled as he heard ,

"Congratulations Khaled sir on winning!".

"Thanks Big G.!"Khaled moved to open the door but Gerald beating him to it opened it making Khaled pout,

"I am a grown up man Big G .I can open doors on my own!"

"Sorry Sir but it's my duty do so ".

Khaled grumpily sat inside the car and Gerald smiling followed him .He started the ignition when he heard Khaled ask him while looking down as if too embarassed to ask,

"Did my parents came to watch the match ?"

"I don't know Sir !" .Even though Gerald knew the answer but he avoided telling Khaled as he didn't wanted to break the heart of his little master .He would rather act ignorant than being truthful to let his dear Khaled suffer and not wanting him to be so sullen and depressed ,Gerald asked excitedly ,

"Well Sir aren't you going to tell your giant handsomest butler about the match ! You know I am really excited to know how well those late night secret practises paid off".

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