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The night had blossomed to its entirety, consuming the entire atmosphere with the aroma of echoing silence ,trembling peace and enigmatic darkness which had intensified with starless sky. Yet the gibbous moon shining in its broken glory had somewhat pacified the sobbing nature with its soft silvery caress while occasional strokes of melody struck by the gentle winds had been nothing else but a lullaby to the world down while a crutch to the seemingly delirious wispy clouds, has they float inconsequential of their path or destination above sky.

Walking out of Dr Isa's office ,Emaan  moved through the corridor when her eyes fell on the arched windows following the entire lane of corridor and the view catered through it, making her still and breathe in the solace that nature was exhuming .Yet despite the charming serenity dripping ,she couldn't curb the unsettling feelings , an unknown fear and galloping anxiety that had suddenly found refuge in her entire being .

Emaan couldn't comprehend why she was feeling such .Was it the repercussion of physical or emotional exhaustion ,or the nagging feeling of not able to fully fulfill the responsibilty of being a mother even when Maryam had only been acting nothing but blessing to her ,who slept most of the times and cried rarely as if she knew her mother was burdened with many other responsibilties. Or was it her struggle to adapt to sudden changes .New place or more likely new team.

But it wasn't that her new team was rude or indifferent to her rather they were warm and welcoming . But she missed being in her previous team. She missed having Sidra by her side all the time but now her absence reminded her more of their time together and thereby widening the gash that was created with Yamama's demise .Even with all the company of new team members she couldn't help but feel lonely. Even with Dr Isa's kind and gentle nature with her ,his constant cracking of jokes and keeping the atmosphere jolly yet still her heart wished to be in Khaled's team .She missed his rudeness ,his strictness ..she missed....him  .

I am going insane !

Emaan sighed and giving one last glance to the sky ,she moved to perform her last set of duties assigned by Dr Isa before her shift came to an end .Climbing upstairs ,she went through rooms for check ups and at last she sauntered towards Laiba Amtu's room for her examining .As she moved to open the door ,she frowned at the crying sound coming from the room making her quickly giving a knock enter inside the room .Only to find Nabilah snuggled into Laiba Amtu who was trying to console her while Muslim held Wali who seemed like would cry any minute seeing his sister cry .

Seeing Emaan ,Laiba Amtu glanced up while Wali ran to embrace Emaan uttering gibberish to her .Emaan crouching embraced back Wali and rubbed his back trying to calm him while Laiba Amtu glanced at the new lady doctor she was seeing for the first time in her room and deeply amazed by the ease with which she dealt with Wali and how effortlessly she had calmed him .

Making Wali sit on the bench cum divan adjacent to the wall of the room and giving him a smile ,Emaan moved over to bed as she looked at Laiba Amtu with questioning gazes before gently stroking the head of Nabilah as she asked softly ,

"What happened Nabilah ?".

Hearing and getting touched by Emaan ,Nabilah squirmed more into Laiba Amtu earning a painful groan from her making Nabilah immediately sit up with a jerk .Emaan quickly moved to Amtu's side and immediately examined her for any rupture of her stitches . And after examining the wound ,a series of Alhamdullilah whisper out of her mouth seeing they were no damage to stitches or wound. She smiled at Laibu Amtu before glancing at petrified Nabilah who looked at her with fearful green eyes.

"Alhamdulillah she is fine ! No need to worry Nabilah ! But you need to be a bit careful with your Aljida until her wounds heals.You can hug her but lightly and cautiously" . Emaan noticing how Nabilah had reacted to her touch ,instead of wiping her tears with her hands simply took out her hankerchief from her pocket and offered it to her .

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