Wounds of Past

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After offering magrib salah ,Emaan had laid down on the prayer mat .It had been two months since her parent's death but the void created after their demise had not lessen but had only enlargened with time, devouring everything that made her feel alive, leaving her lifeless. When she was inside the house ,the memories of her parents suffocated and grated her heart with constantly reminding of her loss and outside the gnawing solitude & the fear of the world's malevolence,made her run back to her refuge where atleast blossom of love and care still bloomed in the form of memories of her parents. But in the end where ever she went whether home or world outside ,her peace was now nowhere except the prayer mat where she laid ,where her heart had found peace ,where tears cascading down from her eyes didn't seemed useless but rather like a rain that provided her barren heart relief knowing her Rab was near hearing her every sobs and broken words, giving a belief that her every tear that fell while she expressed her pain to her Al Wali,just not faded away in thin air but rather evaporated to form vapours of clouds that acted as a shade in the scorching heat that her life had become.

Laying down on the prayer mat, Emaan whispered Astaghfirullah on her fingers when a tear trailed down from her eyes & through her face , dropped on the  prayer mat and got submerged in it. Emaan touched the mat where her tear had fallen wishing that like the tear ,her every pain could also get submerged somewhere so that for a moment only she could breathe without any pain lurking and gnawing her heart. But she also couldn't deny that it was the sorrow that gave her the sensation of being alive otherwise she had nothing left in her life after her parents death - no happiness ,no joy ...everything had become bitter .It was indeed a cruel irony that what tormented her every moment of her life ,was also the reason that made her feel alive. Her sea of thoughts evaporated as she heard the doorbell . Sighing and rubbing off her tears ,Emaan stood up and securing her scarf properly on her head and body ,she went to open the door. Seeing from the peephole ,that it was her Badi ammi and her cousin brother Atif on the other side ,Emaan quickly opened the door . Saying salam ,she stood aside for letting her Badi ammi and cousin Atif to enter. As they entered inside the house ,Nikhat spoke ,

" Walekumassalam Emaan...today you opened the door without asking who is outside ,but next time always ask before opening the door.."

" I always see from the peephole before opening the door Badi ammi ". Emaan said while fidgeting with her fingers.

" But still...you live alone here my child ...you need to be extra careful.....as you don't listen to our suggestion of living with us in our house...."

Knowing where the topic will eventually lead too,Emaan quickly spoke up,

" Don't worry ,Badi Ammi I will be careful from now onwards.....please settle down till then I will bring some refreshments for you and Atif bhai".

But Nikhat stopped her as she said ,

" No need for refreshments ..we just " Nikhat stopped what she was saying as she was left shocked when she held Emaan's hands ,wide eyed she said,

" Emaan you have such high fever...you are literally burning?"

" It okay Badi ammi it's not a big deal ...I am fine".

"Have you eaten anything ?"

Emaan looking down nodded in negative . Seeing her reply ,Nikhat huffed in annoyance as she said,

" Nabilah and Feroz's extreme pampering has made you so much careless ...you are running down with fever and you haven't eaten anything ....this is how you will become a doctor ..now go to your room I will bring some food for you ".

A Blossom in the desertTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon