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Plenilune - The full moon


Courage ,it was a small word yet the strength one needed to yield was mammoth and like a sword struck in the stone ,it graced to only those who harboured the qualities not just to pull it out hiding deep within the heart but wield it with an absolute mastery .But Emaan felt the weight of this blade weighting her down as she finally neared those men .

Her first step of plan required her to be seen ,to face those demons although she had ran in haste and all prepared searching for them but as soon as she reached them ,all the courage plummet down from highest peak to the lowest dungeons, crashing as her heart thudded in trepidation and her body shivered breaking out in cold sweats .She pressed her back on the wall before slumping down slowly ,their laughter and cackles snagging the leftover bravado she was persuading herself to don on .

She knew she had no time ,she had to take action ,she had to save Dr Isa ,but she felt so scared that every thought of her plan seemed to be clambering against her fear .She hated her timidness ,her body instant numbness to those clamouring eerie feelings ,each and everything that had stalled and caged her existence to the extent of incapability of actions that was necessity ,on which most likely dependent the question of life and death ,yet despite all such thoughts ,she couldn't move her body only making her feel frustrated and disgusted .

With their voices fading away ,Emaan felt the curse of stupor washing off as she blearily looked sideways peeking from the wall before her eyes landed in front of the wall which still held a board with words ,

To save a soul is to save entire humanity !

Rubbing her teary vision ,Emaan stared at the board and it seemed like an answer to her shaken core giving her existence a calmness and this peace came not just with determination but it regurgitated with memories of words that crowned her soul with a voice that lapped calmness over the shrieks of fear .

Emaan whenever Allah talks about war in Quran, there are most probably three kinds of people are come to mention ,first the ones who denied to participate in the war from the start forging numerous excuses ,then the ones who left in middle and lastly the one who believed, stayed, fought and became more alive than any living .Glorified than any who had left .But all these people had same heart ,same Prophet calling them to Islam ,same message but what made the difference was the faith they had in their hearts ,that was enough to give them courage and overrule any feeling of fear and hesitance. The faith that bloomed from La illaha ilallah ,that no one is worthy of worship except Allah and that fearing death than fearing of losing the path of guidence and believing in the strength of mere humans over the Almighty was the outright betrayal to this faith .My Emmi ,remember this in any point of time ,any kind of fear like the fear you have now about passing your entrance exams or any kind of it ,you will have them but don't let them make you like those I mentioned before .Don't let the fear in your heart forget to whom that heart belongs to actually and how that when you are fearing something else yet even in those moment that LORD is still taking care of you ,giving permission every single time your fast pace heart seeks to beat .So never let the strength of misery or tenacity of fear inside you effect the faith of your heart ,to forget who is the most strongest and when you do that it doesn't matter who you are facing or what's the outcome ,whether it's Badr or Uhud ,you get what you want or don't ,you will always be special in the eyes of Allah and that's the real victory !

Echo of his father's words had breathed a new life in her ,like a stranded traveller found an oasis ,like autumn was replaced by sudden spring .She didn't wanted to be an hypocrite ,she wasn't going to leave the war without giving a fight ,she won't bow down to anyone ,to fear anyone ,her head ,her heart ,her soul was meant to bow only to the ONE ,Her Rab and no one else .

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