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*Kintsugi -The Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending with lacquer mixed with powered gold, silver or platinum.

Kin means golden and tsugi means repair .Build on the philosophy,that in embracing flaws and imperfections one can create even more stronger and beautiful piece of art .No object can be broken the same way so each tell  their own story and have their own beauty ..


A delicate lilac hue outlined boundaries of horizon in contrast to the peachy glow that stretched far and wide ,painting the white soft tufts of castles in its shade creating a mellow valedictory atmosphere as the sun had finally began its process of decession .A sense of uncensored chill dwelled in the wind while the land cooling down much faster than ever still held on to lingering scent of dying summer .An inadvertent recital resonated as the flocks of chirpy spirits swayed around in the sky in glorious pattern as they march back to their home finally ,after long day of adventure .

Everything seemed so alive and full of life that it was difficult to believe that no sooner ,it will all be dwelled in complete stentorian darkness .

A deep sigh regurgitated ,as Emaan watched the sky and it's inhabitants with lost yet keen eyes .After praying Asr ,everyone tired from the sudden journey ,had fallen asleep but Emaan couldn't or more accurately thoughts that ransacked her brain wouldn't let her .They shackled her as if afraid to unfree her .She quietly ,not wanting to disturb more than she had already done had walked out in the courtyard before moving to settle on the swing ,which Wali loved ardently .

She was in Al Hassam house .After her plea to leave ,Khaled without any question ,thought or wait ,had left for their home along with Laiba and children .As much as his care had sheltered her heart ,it also filled questions of whys and what's ,

Why didnt he ask any question ?

And if he asks what she would say ? Would she able say and how was she suppose to prove her words authenticity medical test that she wasn't touch ....but to think Khaled would have such questions in mind or he must have come across those words ,it filled her with raw ,gnawing pain .

She knew death wasn't the thought one was suppose to have but wouldn't be better if she had died with her parents ,it would be better ,she would have been saved from all these torments ....but she knew even these feeling slash her down ,it was better for her ,she didn't how but Allah knew and that was to suffice her,ease her ....yet the feeling of fingers being raised to one's character ,for the repetitive times ,it didn't let the positive thoughts to survive for long .They tried to breathe but soon were suffocated .

Is this what Aishah RA would have felt when people doubted her chastity ,how much painful it had been for Maryam AS who was slandered and no one by her side except a baby ? Would Yusuf AS have felt same helplessness when trapped in a place where no matter how much one proved their innocence no one believed .

But she was neither of Maryam RA or Aishah R A ,she wasn't even worth the dust of their shoes ,all she knew that their Rab was same ,their Rab Ar Rahman and she wished HE would protect her like them ....

Oh how she wished for some miracle ...

Emaan glanced down as her feet came in contact with fallen leaves ,some partially and some completely dried .She bend over and picked a partially dried leaves and gazing over it , ruminating, was letting go easier or it came with regret of not holding on until the end.Was it painful to see others falling or was it more painful that now it was among the fallen ...

Emaan closed her eyes ,tired and agitated ,wishing everything to numb even if for seconds only or maybe just to have wings like those birds in sky and fly away to some unknown land ,away from any population even though she knew it was selfish but she couldn't do anything about ,even when no one had said something she could only read those emotions in every eyes ,the sign of contempt and disgust over her character, when the sound of footsteps crunching the leaves made her flinch out of her reverie but before she could turn around, exhuming existence with sudden warmth ,she felt a thin shawl wrapped around her collaborated with a deep soothing yet gruff voice ,

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