Days of Patience

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S/N : Ended up again writing an excessively long chapters so decided to divide it but being a good girl instead of publishing the later part some other day and make you all wait ,I edited both parts so please you also shower some goodness and do loads of votes and comments ..please 😍


Feroz ambled inside the porch of his abode with tired steps ,his office bag slipping down his shoulder as he moved to ring the bell but to his surprise the door opened and before him stood his daughter Emaan vanquishing his exhaustion and flowering a sense of relief flowing down through his every cell with her just heartwarming smile and angelic presence .

Smiling back ,he moved inside greeting and patting Emaan's head lovingly,

"Walekumassalam Abbu ", Emaan giving a glance around the entrance whispered in hushed voice,

"Abbu no matter what you have to take my side !".

Feroz frowned before whispering back,

"In what matter ?".

Emaan quickly closing the door took Feroz's office bag and cradling in her arms ,she mumbled ,

"Abbu there is no time to explain .Right now just promise this that you will support me no matter what !".

"Arey pehle ..."Feroz abruptly stopped as Emaan wide eyed gestured speaking in low voice while looking around and following her actions ,Feroz whispered ,

( Firstly)

"But my Emaan, lawyer should atleast know the case of what he has to fight for and who he has to fight against!".

"You have to fight against Ammi !".

Seeing Feroz's dumbfounded expressions Emaan quickly pleaded,

"Come on Abbu ! You say you love me unconditionally .And unconditional love has the strength to fight anyone ! And you are my Abbu ! My superhero .You can do it !".

"My darling beta ! Even unconditional love comes with terms and conditions .And a man can be lion to the entire world but when it comes to his lioness wife his heart is more weaker than a rabbit and his strength much less than a sloth !".

Emaan pouted as she looked at Feroz with puppy dog eyes making Feroz sigh ,

"Okay ! Okay ! I will try my best but you don't go leaving your Abbu in the middle of war !".

"Abbu" ,Emaan kept her hands either sides of her waist , "I am your daughter I will die than to show my back I will prefer to be a martyr then run away from the war !".

"Sometimes I hate teaching you such lofty words but I am proud of you !".Feroz gestured in approval but before he could ask more they heard ,

"What you daughter father duo cooking at the entrance ?".

Emaan and Feroz quickly stood straight facing Nabilah while trying to smile innocently as Feroz muttered,

"Who can dare to cook in this house when we have got such an exceptional chef Nabilah in our house !".

Shaking her head at their antics ,Nabilah walked back towards the kitchen as she announced ,

"Feroz Sahab freshen up! I am getting your tea ready !".

Emaan and Feroz looked at eachother before Emaan blurted out ,putting a break to moving steps of Nabilah ,

"Ammi ! Abbu is also on my side !".Emaan held Feroz's elbow looking at him making Feroz nodding fervently ,

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