Unexpected Guests

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[Disclaimer❗ : The following content is another longest chapter of this book so before climbing this mountain of words ,do ensure to complete all your important works and while treking this mountain spluttering of packages of comments are ardently allowed with open arms....so do ensure to make use of this permission unhesitatingly...Your well-wisher 🙃]


A serene silence had engulfed the world of nature as if still awestruck and mesmerised by the play of destiny where the souls like the sky and the earth seemed meeting at the horizon but yet  the mirage of wall separated them making them known yet unknown of eachother's presence .The sighing night sprawled over the sky with sequins of stars weaved over her dark cloak which twinkled with shy light seemed lazy and reluctant to return back to its cave of isolation. As it had been not just the spectator of bliss of  Almighty descending down to the lowest heaven but also a witness of love where the destination of two souls finding & falling in love with eachother had its way through seeking their Creator more profoundly ,falling in love with HIM more deeply and rising in the status of being HIS beloved more steeply.

But bringing the entire enraptured world out of it's stupor ,the flocks of birds chirped out its way, orchestrating along the soft flute played by the wind as it gracefully meander across the world murmurring the praises of love for its Creator. When rebelling among the flocks ,a bird tore it's way out of the ballet they danced in the sky to glide towards the mosque and perched on its one window to make the souls cuddled in the embrace of sleep to be also a part of this blissful hour among numerous believing souls .

Khaled blinking his eyes turned on his back before sitting up. The waves of sleep still lashing at the shore of his conscious , Khaled dragged his one feet up and resting his one hand on it combed back his messed up hairs away from his forehead and looked at the chirping bird perched on the window with his one eye still closed and a smile leisurely dangling on his lips with moonlight washing his face softly making the bird succumb it's chirp for a moment to internalize the beauty of another creation of the CREATOR before flying away chirping to let the amigos of its flock know about the charming encounter it's rebellion had yielded .

While seeing it's departing friend, Khaled rubbed off the remaining sleep from his eyes while whispering morning supplications. But it was when he stood up and his body cracked with pain made him realize the utter stupidity of his nonchalance of sleeping on the floor .He hadn't realised when sleep had invaded him while he was in Sujood and couldn't help but be taken aback by the fact that how comfortably he had slept on the carpeted floor without a blanket in such cold temperature but blaming it on his overbearing exhaustion and fatigue ,Khaled moved his wrist in the moonlight to see the time ,oblivious that it was not the exhaustion but the warmth of those blissful moments where the two souls unknowingly prayed for eachother while the entire universe knowingly  prayed for them had been a lullaby and comforter of his and her .

Finding it was time for fajr salah ,Khaled made his way towards the ablution area in the mosque but unconsciously his gaze flickered towards the wall where everything was embraced in darkness and silence, making him reminiscene about the unknown person from last night causing him to groan in frustration. Khaled felt as if night had pervaded his conscious where stars of absurdity kept popping up one by one. Being a doctor ,he had always tried to give his best to save lives but still being a mere human ,his best had limitations making him witness of pain ,death's darkness and it's harrowing shadows on families and breaking of souls causing sorrow and agony find refuge in his heart .But the pain he felt last night was so excruciating that could have pierce a hole into mountain then how could his heart not be trembled by it .The incoherent whispers and sobs from the unknown person felt so personal to him as if the pain was not foreign but a part of him ,he could feel it as his very own and what shocked him more that it still had the capacity to constrict his heart everytime he thought about it .This phenomenon was novel and scary, making Khaled's mind incessantly throbbed with numerous questions . He couldn't understand that he had lived his teenage years in America yet he had never experience such struggles or challenges or have his emotions spulttering around as he had suddenly started feeling by the presence of two women in her life : one that cloaked herself in Ar Rahman's love and one that poured out her pain to HIM. The one that sparkled in his mind like day and the other that was momentary like night hidden in the piercing sobs and whimpers, the one he knew and the other was unknown. But unaware of the conspiracy of destiny ,Khaled didn't knew that both known and unknown were same just as day and night were same part of the sky but it was just that one sparkled with light while other dazzled with darkness, Khaled had to realize the sky effecting the earth of his heart was same :it was a girl named Emaan.

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