A Sonnet Named Drizzle

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S/N - Make sure to read the previous chapter to understand this better and to have a better experience I guess ....and for my better experience do vote and comment ,please 🙃


A satisfied vicious curve on Zarar's face reached to its higher destination as he pulling Khaled closer plunged the knife deeper into his stomach and moving to rotate it deeper inside when surprising him ,Khaled held his hand tightly and glanced  sideways at him but what pushed him deeper into state of petrification was the next words of Khaled ,

"I am not a prey so easily hunted Alif !". A cockish grin plastered on Khaled's face noticing the instant horrified expression gracing Zarar's face and seeing the opportunity he grabbed the knife out of his stomach gulping all winces ,with other hand holding onto Zarar's jacket ,he pushed him far away with all his might .

"Why did you name yourself Alif ?".

"I don't go to school but I know this much that even if Alif stands alone it comes first ". A smile was gifted in his direction ,a present, first of its kind .

"Interesting ! But should I show you something magical ?".

He didn't replied but the glimmer of curiosity in his jaded eyes was enough answer. He saw her writing on the notebook she was carrying and as she ended, she showed him , a word he had seen in many of shops etched on the blank sheet of paper ,

"You know what it says ,it says Allah .Even if Alif is alone but when added correct words it becomes the most beautiful word ever .The lonely alphabet finds the most beautiful companion and guardian ..."

The impact of fall snapped Zarar out of his remnant memory that he thought he had locked forever in the deepest dungeons of his heart, giving the rise to fury unprecedented as he sat on the ground and his boiling anger making him capable of hissing out just one word ,

"How ...?".

At the voice ,Khaled who had bended down in pain panting while holding his side glanced up and seeing the aftereffects of his words concluding the most desirable result, he commented,

"Which is it ? How much do I know or how do I know ? Cause believe me my answers won't be pleasing to you atleast !". Khaled smirked despite the sweat that ran through his back and temple by the pain shooting through his abdomen .

Daggers of ominous glare had taken a form of bellowing furor fury inside Zarar's azure eyes as he clenched his jaws ignoring the pain that buckled throughout his body .He fisted the dirt in his hand tightly leading it to slip away from the force and exhaling out like a fiercing fire dragon ,Zarar snickered before he glanced up at Khaled and went on chortling manically . Holding onto his amusement that leaked still through snippety chuckles ,he stood up back on his feet and wiping off the blood down his bruised lips ,he commented,

"How childish of you Khaled ! You think something about my past would give you upper hand on me ! I don't care !". He moved his hand inside his pocket of jacket,

"Rather I only care about killing you mo..." There was a pause and flash of anxiety surfaced starkly on Zarar's face as he moved to check his other pockets and finding no end to his misery ,his eyes ran around the ground .

"I think you must be looking for this !".

At Khaled's voice ,Zarar turned to him to find Khaled standing with an absolute smug look with the packet of candy dangling in his fingers . A stark shock on Zarar's face eclipsed a satisfying smirk on Khaled's lips as he grabbing back the candy packet in his fist, quipped ,

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