Connundrums comes to Conclusion

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Seeing the door still closed, even after several knocks and banging at it, Basit looked back at Yawar with annoyance .But Yawar's one nod turned his annoyance into excitement ,as the nod was Yawar's approval to break down the door .Smirking back at the door ,Basit removed his hand from the peephole and moved backwards to gain momentum to break down the door ,when to his perplexion, the door opened . He looked back at Yawar but he smirked when he saw the expression of shock and anger on Khaled's face.

Looking back at the door ,he tentatively walked inside and met with sheer darkness ,but before his eyes could adjust to the sudden darkness around him, he was hit by a bat on his head causing his conscious and sub conscious both wrap up in darkness and him to fall down on the floor .And as soon as he fell, Mrs Rahman closed the door with a bang while Emaan with shivering hands still held the bat and wide eyed looked at the unconscious body as her conscious shrieked with thoughts,

Ya Allah !Did I killed him or what ?

Mrs Rahman quickly switched on the dim light of the entrance area engulfing Emaan in more trepidation as she found her actualization of plan more horrific than she had thought. She looked at Mrs Rahman who looked as bewildered and worried as she was. With shivering body ,Emaan sat down near the unconscious body of Basit to check for his pulse when they again heard the knock at the door and this time the knock shocked them more than apprehension.


Seeing the door being closed with a loud bang with Basit being inside ,Yawar looked wide eyed at the door and turned towards his men who looked shocked as him. Gritting his teeth, he marched towards Khaled and holding him by his collar roared,

"Min tujad bihaqi aljahim dakhil hdha tukhbiruni 'anak khadeatna li 'anah 'iidha hadath 'ayu shay' lirajiin , fasa 'uhris ealaa 'anak tueani kthyrana hataa tatawasal lilmawt.."

( Who the hell is inside that house...don't tell me you tricked us because if anything happens to my man then I will make sure that you suffer so much that you beg for death ..)

But Khaled didn't took any heed to Yawar's threat as his eyes were focussed on the door while his mind working ways to find out that people inside that house were safe .Seeing the disinteredness of Khaled towards his threat ,Yawar gritted his teeth in anger and moved his clenched fist to punch Khaled when he heard a voice ,

"Yawar !!! Hal hdha 'ant ? Wa Khaled...madha yahduth hna?"

( Yawar !!! Is that you ? And Khaled ...what is happening here ?)

Khaled's heart whispered words of gratefulness as he saw Mr Rahman before him yet at the same time his apprehension about the ladies inside the house only tripled . Yawar turned around and scrunching his eyebrows in confusion asked ,

"Raza akhi ...madha tafeal huna? Wahal taerif Khaled ?"

(Brother Raza ...what are you doing here ? And you know Khaled ?)

" Nem 'aerafah hu dayfiun wa 'ana 'aeish huna Yawar walakun limadha rabitatuh hkdha...aitarakha"

(Yes I know him he is my guest and I live here Yawar but why have you tied him like that...leave him ).

"Tqsad 'ana albayt aldhy aikhtafaa fih al Basit hu baytik Raza akhi "

(You mean that house in which Basit just vanished inside is your house Brother Raza ).

Mr Rahman scowled as he looked at Yawar and then looked back at his house and eventually something ticked off as he glanced back at Khaled and ran towards his house. Seeing Mr Rahman sprinting towards his house ,Khaled tried to struggle free from the hold of Osama and Abdul and this time to Khaled's surprise ,they let go off their hold alongside uncuffing him .But shoving off his surprise ,Khaled quickly untying the cloth around his mouth ,ran towards the house.

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