Eclipsed World

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S/N : Assalamualaikum lovelies ! I am so sorry for updating so late it's just that my exams were going on and I thought of writing between the gaps of my papers,I tried but my mind was so filled with my own study material that I couldn't complete or write it .So sorry .And also another important reason that has elongated the list of my buzziness is my eldest brother is getting married in the first week of October .Say Mash Allah and dont forget to pray for him and his soon to be spouse and me also and my family ...okay pray for everyone ..😅I am so happyyyy 🥳🥳🥳🥳 So where was I ...Yes so my little shoulders have been burdened with lots of responsibilities which I am completing with my dose of clumsiness 😝 so I will try my best to update as much as I can in month of September but please bear with my absence in October cause I won't be able to write at that time .I hope you all lovelies will understand .

Khair coming to chapter ,I have again ended up writing a gigantic one and although I didn't wanted to divide the chapter but I have to due to its extreme long length and I know you all love long chapters but I feel that extremely long chapters might end up boring you and make you scroll through the chapter missing many things so to keep it interesting I decided to chop the chapter into two .And don't worry I will update next part soon.

And also a 😬*sheepish request*I am all ready to accept bribes of comments you see comments are my energy drink to coax me to write when I am all ready to die out of exhaustion.

And also I don't like saying it but silent readers can you please pour that empty star's life with colour seriously one vote and comment is really enough to make me reincarnation of joker and Mickey mouse please be kind to this weird girl and please let me know of your existence .🥺


How is one supposed to react to see their loved ones' s broken ,their soul tarnished into pieces ? .

Was one supposed to feel anger and disgust against perpetrator or let themselves drown in the overwhelming harrowing agony breeding inside ,or to pull themselves up to be anchor of support in the ocean of pain their loved ones were dying in.

But how could one already drowning become someone's anchor ,be a saviour when they themselves needed saving,how they were supposed to mend someone when they themselves were breaking bit by bit seeing the scattered condition of their loved ones.

And this is what Emaan's conscious was echoing with when she came across devastated looking Mr Rahman and much more traumatised Hassan sitting on the hospital bench while words of Sidra circling in her mind like a gyre ,unleashing an unsurmountable agony ,

"It's Khadeja Aljida ...her condition is very critical...she ..she was gang raped".

Her gaze quivered slightly towards Khaled who stood across Mr Rahman trying to rejuvenate him with courage and hope . She walked towards them with staggered steps along with Sidra when Mr Rahman's broken gaze lifted upto Emaan, her eyes questioning ,agonising and sympathising at the same time .But the pain in Mr Rahman's orbs caused her steps to be faltered and cemented yet the strength shining in Khaled's eyes gave her enough courage as she pushed her stoney legs towards them when the room burst open and Dr Fatimeh Melbos walked out along with few nurses with solemn sullen look gracing her visage elocuting a distressing news even before the words could form out of her mouth .

Mr Rahman jumped up from his bench followed by Hassan who came to stand beside him with blank horror filled eyes yet carrying tears of hope while looking at Dr Fatimeh .Dr Fatimeh sighed ,her eyes travelling towards Khaled, Emaan and Sidra before gliding back to Mr Rahman as she whispered ,

"Mr Rahman I need to talk to you alone !Can you come to my office!".

Gulping hard and wiping off the beads of sweat Mr Rahman nodded before glancing at Hassan ,he looked up at Emaan as he asked,

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