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Assalamualaikum lovelies ! *Peeks behind the wall while giving my best appeasing smile*I know ,I know I have gone for really long but I had real reasons to be ,first it began with my sudden exams and as I was hardly done rowing out of them, I ended up falling sick ,like really bad and I just had hardly recovered when my vivas got announced and just in between I ended up contacting eye infection you see it has been quite a ride but Alhamdulillah I am good ...but still sorry and thank you for patience .

Secondly ,this chapter is the longest till now ,well you already know all of my chapters are but this defeats them outrightly ,I had thought to dissect then into two parts but then I cancelled it .So it's kind of like mega episode compensating for being gone for so long .So I will be impressed who read it at one go but I know it will be difficult so read it at your own pace , if you feel bored and find it time consuming leave it and come back some another time to read but please don't skip through the chapter and please comments along way pleaseeeee....I love you all immensely who do but who don't ...come on I am giving an exquisite opportunity to make me perform the sunnah of smiling ...think of how many good deeds you will earn ...

*Brain whispering* sometimes certain portion of my parts refuse to work so you can ignore the last sentence...

*Me whispering* Just skip the above whispering ...😂

And dedicating this chapter to a bundle of joy who I couldn't meet in this world but I pray I do in hereafter.Please pray for his mother ,who is the most amazing person and her entire family ...


A serene cadence created by orchestra of feathery bards as they flew around against the vast deep magnetic blue sky only dishevelled by orange natural lamp slowly and steadily rising up at the horizon ,casting a mystical spell around the flurry clouds .

Yet a pungent chillness lingered in the atmosphere like a hush whisper of the changing climate .

Boughs of trees dazzled like new brides, ornamented with bunching delicate flowers that dallied in the air with the strokes of wind while some graciously accepting their descend down on the earth ,to be crushed or to just wither away.The viridiscent leaves has started accepting the silent arrival of autumn ,with some had already began preparing to rust away slowly while some opted for a colourful departure .

The spring was taking its last breath yet it all seemed more vibrant and magical than ever ,with floral world blooming to its full spectrum as bees and butterflies flutter around to taste the sweet nectar of farewell and not be left behind in the preparation for the upcoming winter or maybe just wanting to deprive themselves of the inevitable closing reality of everything vanishing away,they had come to love and cherish .

With trees blooming not just with flowers and fruits but it seemed rainbows of the sky had prevailed down as the leaves had began shrouding themselves in not just usual greens but yellow ,red and rusting brown seemed like a festival yet hiding somewhere a melancholy in it .

But how magnificently the nature veiled it's sorrow in its bosom ,how the flowers kept blooming despite losing its part slowly and steadily ,how the trees blossomed so elegantly yet knowing and aware ,how inevitable was it succeeding fate ,where everything it held dear will perish away ,leaving it behind all alone and lonely .Did ever these branches thought of these sorrowful thoughts ? Did they ever  ? The new spring will bring new hope ,new leaves ,new flowers and fruits but what about the one it will lose this year ,what about the feelings it held for them ,will it be same for the next year's sprouts of spring ,and even if it was ,would it be easy to forget everyone it held so close to its life all this time ...

A Blossom in the desertWhere stories live. Discover now