The Purpose every misery hides

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The sky had ceased to tremble down into frivolous drops yet the occasional white magma that streaked through the cimmerian heaven ,followed by the echo of the dirge that vanquish every calm of the earth and it's inhabitants as the sky unabashedly announced how it shattered without its beloved  .

Tightly holding onto the edge of the bench to cease the shivering of her hands while occasionally rubbing off the sweat that formed over her brows despite the cool weather,Emaan was reciting,

"Subhanal lathee Yusabbihur ra'du bihamdihi walmalaa'ikatu min kheefatihi"
(Glory to HIM whom thunder and angels glorify due to fear of HIM )

Her mind had been trotting dungeons of apprehension ever since her ears had stumble upon the words of Khaled over phone about how suddenly Hamza's father had chest pain followed by him falling unconscious and while bringing him to hospital ,Hamza's car had broken down and in tension and haste ,Hamza had called Khaled for help .Her every shard to peace had vanished away and anxiousness mounted as she had called several times to Sidra hoping that she will come across some words of ancedote to provide relief to her tension but her call never connected adding frustration to the list of her myraid unhealthy emotions reigning her world .

Tired of waiting at the room ,Emaan seeing rain simmered down ,covering Maryam meticulously that she doesn't get drenched in any way had dashed to the hospital .Keeping her in one of the cradles of infant ward while asking Nurse Juri to page her if Maryam wakes up, Emaan had walked towards the waiting area desperately waiting for Khaled and others.

She felt scared for Sidra ,Hamza ,his father , his entire family and not the least Khaled .She didn't wanted sadness to touch any of these people ,she just wanted to cocoon them from every misery cause she knew any pain shooting down them will pulverise her more .She had lost everything in mere seconds of life but these people were like a second chance for her to breathe again in happiness ,to experience a spring after a long winter and she could not see their happiness tumbling down,she could not see the spring to end into a desert of pain again .

And in all this jarring anxieties,her mind wasn't acting as an ally in any way with playing worrisome and horrendous various reasons of their delay increasing her heartbeats and tearing down her every fibre of calmness .Unable to sit with her anxiety spreading like a poison increasing her shivering and sweating ,she ambled towards the window of the lobby gazing at the sky flashing with beautiful cracks and harrowing melody .Both the nature  thundering outside and her mind blasting with tension inside had assimilated in wrecking the tissues of her beating organ in chambers of agony .

Yet the words of Allah that could shake the mountains was holding the shivering existence of her ,her roots was those words ,those merciful words even though she dithered like those swaying leaves yet she stood tall like the proud trees.

Seeing no sign of them ,Emaan was turning around to go back to infant ward ,when she heard the sound of ambulance driving inside making her quickly rush to the door but she jerk stop as Khaled and Hamza drench completely in rain zoomed by her carrying Hamza's father on stretcher .A buzzing stupor was created in the vestibule when Sidra along with her parents and her aunt (Hamza's mother ) dashed inside the hospital .

Emaan stared at Sidra who looked tensed and distorted ,her eyes avoiding to gaze at Emaan for more than seconds as she whispered ,

"Mum ,Abba you stay here with Amtu.Sit and relax .Emaan take care of them !".

Saying it ,Sidra was about to walk away but her father stopped asserting ,

"We can't stay here and relax .We are coming with you !".

" Abba there is ..." Sidra looked at his father and seeing his determined eyes ,she sighed ,

"Okay come !".

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