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Assalamualaikum guys .I hope you had an amazing Ramadan and a lovely Eid and are in good health .And I also hope you haven't forgotten me and my book .

Those who were waiting for an update after Ramadan I am sorry for being late .It's just that my Ramadan was a bit rocky with my both parents falling sick and losing many of my relatives to Covid -19 amidst the distressing situation in subcontinent was just inexplicable and then the heartbreaking conditions in Palestine ,Yemen ,Syria ,China ,Afghanistan, Myanmar,Ethopia ,Bangladesh basically entire world just impacted me. And writing which though I love became a bit difficult .

And adding to all this, one month break ended up making my bullock cart of writing stuck in the muddy pit called writer's block updates will be slow but I will in sha Allah come back to my natural pace just make duas that I do and also do loads of comments your lovely comments are the secret of my energy to write☺️

Last but not the least before beginning this chapter, please make duas for people in Palestine ,China ,Yemen ,Syria ,Ethopia basically every single soul suffering on this planet and don't forget to ask for your own tiny heart and the guidance it will always need of its Rab.


"His name is Khaled Al Hassam".

Emaan's all amusement vapourised at the words as she stared blinking at Nabilah ,confused and shocked ,while trying to grasp the new found information .An instant question had sprouted in her mind but scared to spill it out, Emaan gulp it down when Sidra articulated her feelings ,

"You mean Dr Khaled Al Hassam?"

Nabilah nodded casually while her green eyes keenly observed them when her face twisted into a frown as she again heard Sidra,

"You mean our Dr Khaled Al Hassam?"

Emaan noticing the skeptical look of Nabilah ,poked Sidra's side and glaring at her,quickly clarified ,

"Ah what Sidra actually meant to say is that Dr Khaled is our team head so that's why she said our..I think we should leave Sidra now ".Emaan ended with a glare at Sidra who shrugged back nonchalantly in response.

Looking back at Wali ,Emaan smiled and tapping lovingly on his nose added,

"Wali I will send your daddy here soon,okay !".

A weird set of heavy feelings settled at Emaan's stomach at the realisation of meaning of her own words.But shoving it off and giving a parting smile ,Emaan and Sidra stood up and moved to walk out of the room. And as soon they were out Sidra blurted out ,

"Oh my Allah ! I can't believe this! .Our most desired bachelor of our hospital ,our Dr Khaled is a father of not one ,not two but three kids ! Allah !Allah!."

Emaan lost in her jungle of thoughts only nodded blankly .

"So that means Dr Khaled is married but why we never knew about it! Did Hamza knew of it! Of course he must know that his second wife has a first wife or he is unaware of this blasphemous act by his second wife".

Emaan glanced at Sidra with an incredulous look adorning her face as she remarked ,

"Sidra I think you are forgetting Dr Khaled is not exactly the wife of Dr Hamza in reality ,it's just your comical hypothesis"

Sidra whose face shined with varied expressions ,listening to Emaan, brooded,

"Oh yeah you are right! But why we never knew about his wife or seen her......Oh don't me tell he is married to a jinn or it could be like that novel I read where that man married and after having a baby he used to kill his wife and he continued doing this until he had killed hundred wives and finally had hundred kids .And then he went on slaughtering all his hundred kids to resurrect his previous life lover".

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