Doctor Khaled Al Hassam

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" Ammi.,where is my new Abaya and  grey coloured hijab " Emaan shouted from her room

"In your wardrobe " Her mother Nabilah shouted back from the kitchen.

A moment later, Nabilah heard rushed footsteps on the stairs and she knew like always her daughter wasn't able to find her belonging. And as she continued with flipping flatbread ,Emaan came and stood at the kitchen door all ready to complain .

" Ammi ,it's not there ,I searched every section...please Ammu help me find it otherwise I will get late for my first day of my medical college".

" Emaan it's not even been five minutes that I told you that your Abaya and your hijab is in wardrobe and you say you searched the entire wardrobe. And if you were so much concerned about being on time at the first day of college ,then why didn't you took it out at night. It's there only ,go and search properly this time" Nabilah chided Emaan as she rolled another flatbread.

Emaan went and side hugged her mom as she said ," My beautiful ammi ,my lovely ammi ,please help me na ,you know I can't find without your help"

Nabilah looked at her daughter who was giving her puppy eye look ,Nabilah sighed and said,
" Emaan what would you do in your in laws house and when I won't be there "?

" Ammi in sha ALLAH you will live thousand years and marriage eww ..I am never going to get married and  I won't be leaving you and Abbu ever "

" Yeah, I am only fated to endure you all my life "

"Areyy Begum! Why are you saying that ? We are blessed to have a daughter like Emaan" Feroz Ahmed ,Emaan's father said as he entered the kitchen all dressed up for his office.

Emaan beamed at her Abbu and ran to hug him.

" It's your pampering that has made her so careless. When complaints of her will come from her in laws then don't say to me that I didn't taught her anything"

" Who says I am sending her to in laws rather my son in law will stay with us"Feroz said ,getting a high five from Emaan .

"Yeah and become a joke to society" Nabilah spoke as she flipped flatbread on the pan.

"My society is you and Emaan and I exist to please only my Rab " Feroz said

"Well Feroz sahab ,even Allah 's most beloved abd  send off his beloved daughter to her husband's house after marriage ,then who are we ?"Nabilah replied .

Before Feroz could reply ,Emaan rushed to flip the flatbread that had started to get burn ,flatbread was saved but her fingers got burnt. Seeing this Nabilah started to panic,
" Ya Allah ! Emaan ,meri jaan ,let me see ,how much it got burnt , come on wash it under the tap  ,Feroz sahab please bring ice cube from freezer."

" Ammi ! It's not that much big ,relax "

Till then Feroz brought the ice cube and gave to Nabilah who instantly started rubbing on the burn ,while Feroz again rushed to bring ointment .After the treatment from ice cube to tooth paste to ointment and being fed the delicious flatbreads by her mother ,Emaan stood at her house entrance clad in her new Abaya and grey coloured hijab ,all ready for her first day in college,waiting for her mother to whiff the duas she was reciting. After Nabilah whiffed the duas on Emaan and specifically on Emaan's burnt fingers and hugged her and kissed her forehead and said salam ,Nabilah finally let Emaan sit in the car .On the way to her college ,Emaan constantly whispered Alhamdulilah for her parents love alongside laughing at her father's jokes.
7th January ,2011

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