Cocoon to Her broken wings

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My mood is off and I am beyond exhausted but I am still updating so that makes me a good girl ...right 🤔

Khair ignore it ...happy reading ..🤗


The auditorium was somewhat filled with doctors and hospital staff with every faces marred with lines of apprehension and anxiousness as the group meetings had never yielded good news .Beginning from Zarar invading Al Firdous hospital ,to decision of leaving Al Firdous, all were tensed what next pandora box of troubles was going to be unleashed before them .Khaled walked amidst the crowd with haste steps followed by other senior doctors. He quickly climbed the stairs to stage of auditorium and without wasting any time he addressed the issue in hand,

"I hope everyone's here as I will get straight to the point" Khaled seeing no one objecting continued,

"The recent visit of Zarar and his men to Al Firdous we came to know of that he had come to know about Dr Sarah's son being in his team".

"But how ? Did they saw Abbas's photo in Sarah's office ?" Dr Fatimeh asked horrified .

"No I had taken out the picture from the frame and kept it with me throughout the time they were here! ".

Seeing the nod and gesture of Dr Fatimeh to continue ,Khaled resumed speaking,

"And before Abbas went missing he informed Dr Sarah that the information about casualties and him being Dr Sarah's son was informed by someone from here !Someone from among us !"

There was an uproar of whisper and gossip among the crowd while Dr Sarah ruminated again Khaled's words he had said to them back in Hamza's room.

"I know it sounds absurd but telling everyone about the informer existing among us will make our work easy in some way .We won't be able to dissect who this cancerous cell is among us until we make our entire body of people make it work in finding it out .And with everyone being cautious and on guard will make the person on guard as well and there we could bar flow of information to Zarar and RM to certain degrees . "

"But can we trust this guy is saying the truth ?What if Zarar is using him to manipulate us ?" One of the doctor's voiced out his opinion.

"Well last time we were saved because he risked to inform us about Zarar invasion over Al Firdous. I think that's enough to trust him and if Zarar was manipulating Abbas then his last message won't have been this to Dr Sarah before going missing. Rather Zarar would have used him to get Dr Sarah reveal about inside informations ".

"Alhamdulillah Dr Khaled is not on our enemy side .Otherwise he would have been worse than Zarar" .Sidra whispered to Emaan.

"Dr Khaled's heart is good so even he would have been on enemy side he will not do anything bad".Emaan whispered earning a shocked look from Sidra, dawning a realisation on Emaan and making her desperately avoid Sidra's questioning gazes and focus on listening to Khaled .

Meanwhile tearing away the buzzing silence that had engulfed the auditorium ,Khaled asserted,

"See I know the information is shocking and directly strikes at our strength; that is our unity and trust but this is not the time to let this strike pulverize our strength but use it more fiercely to fight it and protect it and prove our strength will always be our strength and can never become our weakness no matter what strikes us ,no matter the enemy is from outside or from inside .And so what I am going to instruct next may seem like dismantling our strength but in reality it is only a doable way to protect it ".Khaled exhaled before continuing,

"At the end of auditorium there is an old complaint box ,I want you all to now become vigilant about each and everyone's actions including me if you find something suspicious about me write it down and drop it in the box .No need to write who you are and anything other than what made you suspicious about a certain person .These complaints will be looked by Dr Sarah and managed by Omar and his men."

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