Hide and Seek !

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S/N: Assalamualaikum lovelies ! I am really really extremely sorry for vanishing like that it just that enmeshed in exams ,grandfather's critical condition and hordes of guests ,writing just couldn't find place in lists of priority .But somehow I am here struggling to write after such long break and you know despite struggle the length of my chapter never seems to be anything but long so again a long chapter ...hoping it will compensate for the long wait I made you all go through ...though I won't promise the quality of chapter cause breaks really rusted my ability to write ...khair enjoy the chapter and do let me know your views so I can improve and give you better .

I also promise to reply back to previous chapters comments soonest.So new members who added on this journey of reading ,shukran and marhaba !😘

Once again sorry ! And Jazakillah Khairan for being patient!

🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨 Here are ice cream for everyone,yes I am bribing you all so do forgive me ..okay😉

There was an acute unbridled silence .

Only the sombre psithurism orchestrating in the green floral world and the rattling sound of window's flaps created by flamboyant monsoon winds echoed in the room .But Emaan felt her heart echoed louder than rustling leaves and dithered more than those rattling flaps as Halima stared at her dumbfounded.

Emaan didn't knew how she had forced her jammed feet to move and despite whirpooling in that shock ,she had pulled astounded Halima along with her in her room.And finally revealing the ultimate truth ,Emaan felt every passing second of silence was a hammer to the facade serenity she was trying to portray herself with and just as she thought the thread of her sanctity was to break off and unleash the dam of her agitated ,nerve cracking emotions ,Halima whispered tentatively ,

"So you are married to Dr Khaled ?".

Emaan gulping nodded in positive.

"So you both are husband and wife ?".Halima reiterated with her brows climbing high altitude of her forehead .

Well that's what one becomes after getting married !

Emaan stopping her urge to vocalise her thoughts nodded again but this time ,it was her turn of shock when Halima began chuckling mumbling incoherent words.

"Ya Allah ! Has she gone mad ?".Emaan whispered looking at Halima ,not knowing what to do or how to react .She looked around apprehensive but still trying her luck she gulping hard muttered skeptically ,

"Are you alright Dr Halima ?".

"Yeah I am.I am ". Halima chuckled ," It's just I can't imagine how Hafsa and others will react ? What a shock it will be for them ?".Halima shook her head in amusement .

"You ...you are fine ?". Emaan mumbled confused.

"If you mean to ask that I am not affected or hurt by this news ? Then yes!". Halima smiled before sighing ," No doubt I used to have a crush on Dr Khaled but he was always someone for me you look from afar .I was never serious like Hafsa and others ....maybe at a time I was !You can't deny Dr Khaled is like that one tends to end up having a crush on him ! But now... it's different !" Halima smiled dreamily making Emaan blink in confusion yet she couldn't deny the acute calmness and relief wrapping her core .

But not wanting anything to dwindle in doubts and relief -a question of debate ,Emaan asked in hesitation ,

"So can I trust you to keep this a secret !",Emaan requested looking earnestly yet anxiously at Halima before adding ," Please !".

"Yeah don't worry !".Halima assured  before standing up and moved to embrace already shocked Emaan ,

"Congratulations on wedding ! Now as I think you both do make a good couple !". Halima commented making Emaan eventually passing a soft shy smile embraced her back,sighing in relief and numerous Alhamdulillah flying out of her mouth .

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