When the mask unveils

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"I didn't killed my parents ! How many times do I need to say it ? Why would I kill my parents ?".Emaan ranted out all helpless .

"In my years of service I have seen people kill people without any reason and you are asking me the reason you could have killed your parents ?". The police officer quirked a brow ,his blood shot eyes piercing through Emaan making her squirm in her seat before whispering out ,

"I didn't killed my parents ! I promise ! I didn't !". Emaan sniffed as fresh tears leaked down the lane of red cheeks but she flinched as the police officer striked the baton loudly on the leg of her chair shouting ,

"Then who killed them ?".

"I don't know !". Emaan whimpered .

"Then who should know ?". The officer again striked the baton more loudly on the chair's legs making her hiccup out more as denying,

"I don't know !". Emaan flinched as she saw the officer raise the baton but instead of banging on the chair he smirking stretched it against his shoulder and asked ,

"You don't know ! So let me provide a reason !You recently rejected a proposal from your cousin .But in Muslim you guys get married to cousin so why you rejected it ? Cause you liked someone else ,right ?"


"You are young , pleasing to eyes ,studying in a university so it's easy to happen ! But your parents were against it so you planned to kill them cause they were in the way of your plan ! And you even held restraining order against a decent guy shows that you have someone in heart !".

Emaan glanced up shocked hearing the word of decent for Atif before it turned into distasteful glare knowing this man was working for his uncle when she flinched seeing his hand moving towards her and turned her cheeks away making his fingers graze only  her tears causing him smirk ,

"If you think your tears will effect me", He flicked the tear," then you are wrong I don't flinch even at the sight of blood .So don't push me make you cry tears of blood an..."

"Sir that lawyer has come again !".

The officer clicked his tongue before leaning closer to Emaan who pushed herself at the back of chair disgusted by his lewd gaze and his cigrette drenched breath ,

"You even got old men running around you makes me interested is it because of what is outside or ...". The officer ran his eyes at her body making Emaan cross her arm ,her eyes pooling  with hatred ,disgust ,fear and helplessness as she pleaded,

"You won't do anything to me ! You can't ! You are supposed to hold the law and provide justice why are you doing this to me ?".

The officer chuckled before going on clapping looking at the stand in guard who remained emotionless,the officer gazing back at Emaan commented ,

"What a speech ! Don't worry I won't do anything as you said. But you know there are many rapists in the other cells who won't flinch in doing one more rape ,right ?" .The officer chuckled again .

Disgusted ,trapped and beyond helpless ,Emaan felt her wobbling lips whisper out ,

"Please let me go !I have not done anything ! Please !".

The officer smirked and tried to lean in when stand in guard interrupted asking him to attend the lawyer making him stand up with a sigh and walk out when the stand in guard asked in whisper ,

"Are we going to let her go today ? It's the second day ! It will be a mess if we get caught or if she files the case.The lawyer outside is no easy thing to deal with !".

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