Calm before the Storm

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"So you don't know who this R.M. is and yet you took those stupid pills from him ?What are you five year old kid who needs to be reminded that don't take anything from strangers.." Omar chided Yawar.

Yawar reclined on the hospital bed rolled his eyes at his brother but his weak state couldn't be hidden despite his measures to act cool .Since past week his condition had stabilised causing him to be shifted from ICU room to a private ward yet the under eye dark circles ,his haggard face and involuntary shivering fingers and feet gave away his deterioting condition .And another trouble that was added in the list of problem in his treatment was his addiction to the pills that had let to several bout of seizures eventually leading to self harming state because of which many times sedatives had to be used to calm him .

"They told me they are from Deraá and a part of rebellion army from there who came here to help ..and R.M. was their leaders name.They had helped us in saving people from prisoner's group men so I thought I could trust them.."

"Yeah see what this trusting led to .You did not brought your life in danger but your friends too.."

Yawar looked down guiltily before asking Khaled ,

"Would they be fine Khaled ?"

"They will in sha Allah .They haven't consuming much of the pills and they aren't addicted to it so that's a relief .So don't worry about them after few weeks they will probably be discharged .."

Yawar sighed in relief before looking at Omar who glared at him as he said,

"What about you ? Do you even realize what I feel seeing you here lying in this condition ? What will I tell to Abba Ammi that I couldn't take care of you ? Actually fault is mine I gave you responsibilty that was too much for you.I slacked in my duty to protect you .." Omar looked down while focussing on his enjoined hands as his eyes filled with drops of guilt ,fear and sadness.

Khaled sighed and kept his hand on Omar's shoulder in assurance but before he could say anything Yawar spoke up ,

"Akhi stop it! I am fine and I am going to be fine ..isn't it Khaled ?. He is the best doctor here so I will be fine for sure in sha Allah and Wallahi stop acting as if I am already dead.....ouch what was that for ,I am sick you know, you don't hit sick people .Khaled give Akhi some medicines to calm his violent attacks on me .."

"Thats what you get for talking nonsense and it is not me but you need medicines to get your brain right .Next time I hear you talk such things I won't be smacking your head but choke you !.."

Yawar made an annoyed face and crossed his arms as he murmurred to himself,

"Yeah don't want me to talk about my death but do wants to kill me if I talk about it ...what an irony!.."

"What did you say ?"Omar asked looking at Yawar sternly making Yawar gulp hard but before he could form any reply ,they heard the door open and Emaan to enter inside who stilled seeing Khaled in the room .She had been feeling weird in his presence as seeing him her mind kept diving back to the night when she had heard him recite Surah Yusuf, when he had been a balsam to her scorching anguish .

Her moments of defeat to the pain had always been the moment between her and Allah, those moments of pain were the most core part of her heart that she kept hidden from every one but that night Khaled's presence ,his recitation, his unknowningly soothing that pain had made him channel his way through the core of her heart and for her this had been a terrible realisation .And everytime she had seen him she felt her heart thudded with such rapidity as if it was too eager to make its new tenant aware of his residence .But Emaan didn't know whom she regarded as a temporary tenant was actually a forever of her heart.

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