A Elegy Called Rain

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Assalamualaikum lovelies ! My sincerest sincerest apologies for vanishing like that without any prior notice or anything .I am really sorry .I know I had promised to get back to my speed of updating after Ramadaan ,well seemed like it wasn't in the plan of Rabbi's perfect plan .Well my idiotic plans always clashes with HIS perfect ones .All credit to my clumsy self .Khair ,I am sorry for not fulfilling my promises ,but I was really enmeshed in the mess life can sometimes be .You see, people say when life gives you lemon you make lemonade but right at the moment I am so fed up of making lemonades that even the name of it makes me wanna beat the lemon out of ....(well ignoring that I just ranted out my frustration in my letter of apology ).So where was I ? Yeah you see ,I am sorry but my mum's health and busy schedule just made me forget about everything but still I am grateful that many of you still remembered and messaged .I am so so sorry I didn't replied cause believe me Wattpad and story just wasn't the priority list past these days .But I am trying to get back to my routine .I will try to update but I won't promise about its regularity yet don't be disheartened cause writing this story is also a motivation to me ,cause many times lesson I write are more of a lesson to me ,well they are always to me .So this clumsy girl is trying her best to get back to her speed till then please have some sabr and do include my mother ,family and if you got some space in your precious duas ,then please include me also ...

Well if you haven't skipped this preparatory and read all that above 😘   Go ahead read the chapter and please comments loads cause this greedy writer needs loads of bribery of comments for motivation.

#Your greedy writer 🤗


The remnant swirls of his hazel was consumed completely by a lethal ebony as it scanned over the pointed guns at him before glaring at Zarar he gazed back at the man whose pulses flickered heavily against his grip and a slow smirk played out on Khaled's face causing a hesitant relief that had overcome seeing Zarar in Hamid's trembling heart eclipsed immediately when in no seconds ,from air he was turned to stand with his back facing Zarar and his men while infront stood Khaled, his hold gaining it's cruelty as he stated ,

"Do you think you are safe just cause you got some reinforcements", Khaled grip tightened more making Hamid gasp for breath," if I die I will make sure I take you with me ...!"

Hamid felt he will die as black dots blurred his vision when Khaled slacken his hold alongside he heard Zarar,

"What happened Khaled Al Hassam all your braveness flew out seeing death before you that you are taking an old junk as a shield ? What a disappointment ? Well if you beg me I might act merciful and be lenient with you!".

But Khaled didn't cared to pay even heed to his words as he glaring at Hamid asserted ,

"Let's make a deal! I will let you live if you make your men point their guns away from me and direct them at Zarar and his men and help me get out of this .If you do what I say I will leave otherwise ...". Khaled clenched his jaw and fingers digging deeper into Hamid's neck was enough to complete his unsaid threaten loud and clear .

Hearing Khaled's still relentless words of perseverance , Zarar clenched his fists and opening the locks of his gun snickered,

"Don't you dare Khaled ! Just accept your death, damn it !".

"I..".Hamid tried to whisper but Khaled only clutched his neck harder as Khaled asked menacingly ,

"What ?".

Hamid feeling all choked quickly gesticulated his hands forcing his words out ,

"Do as.. he say !".

Frustrated at the words but more infuriated at not ending the old junk sooner ,Zarar immediately pointed his gun to end the game once and for all, when all of a sudden the prisoner men began shooting at him and his men making him duck down as he attacked back ensuing a combat he wasn't interested in .Cartwheeling through the bodies that had limped and pushing his way out ,yet everytime he was pulled back by the onslaught of attacks but his eyes kept searching for Khaled when he finally got caught of him moving through in between the men heading towards the building taking the frightened Younus along with him .

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