Regret ,sorrow and a tale of love

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Regret is that predator that does not pounce on its prey called heart immediately but patiently strangles it with doubts and then slowly and sadistically suffocates it with guilt leaving the heart numb with only one feeling throbbing inside : the feeling of regret. And this was the feeling that captured Emaan 's heart since Khaled and Mr Rahman left . She was a person for whom rudeness was out of character but she couldn't seem to comprehend why she had been so rude to Khaled ,when his refusal to her request had only stemmed out for her own well-being and protection. Her mind had become labyrinth of thoughts where she couldn't manifest whether she felt angry on being denied or at the unhinging of Pandora's box of feelings that Khaled's concern had caused to unleashed. And adding to all this fiasco ,there was a sense of apprehension that circulated in her mind regarding Mr Rahman and Khaled 's well being. Her mind kept on breeding premonition that was challenging her mental stability and provoking her anxiety to crawl out of its hideout and ambush her sanity.It was indeed unfathomable for her how Mrs Rahman and Adila and Abida bore this sense of anxiousness every night until Mr Rahman returned home .

Not wanting to tangle up her already muddled mind and desperately wanting to clamp up the shrieks of novel thoughts resonating her entire being Emaan decided to silence it by the words of her Rab ..HIS words that just not had the power to prevail peace in the hearts of sublunary lot but also make the Angels in Heaven to descend down just to be a part of that pouring peace and mercy that only ungrateful yet blessed humans were priviledged with. Asking for Quran from Mrs Rahman who had been busy in sewing up Emaan's torn clothes and despite Emaan's persuasion had refused to accept any help, Emaan sat on the bed with the Quran...she knew this was her only remedy as she had enough of her clamourous thoughts and the confusion they were ensuing in her mind ,it was ridiculous that she wasn't able to understand her own very self or articulate those thoughts in words but with Quran in her hands she knew her every confusion will evaporate as she was going to listen to her Rab talking to her ,making the clouds of chaos inside her vanish with the glistening light of HIS words .

She opened the Quran and after reading Surah Fatiha ,she turned to an anonymous page as it was the beauty of Quran ,every single page had the answer to the muddle mind ,a hope for the hopeless heart and a promise that was enough to let peace and happiness bloom in every cell of body. And though Quran was a book for entire humanity but every time one read it ,it felt it was just made specificially for him /her . Just like the love of AR RAHMAN that was general and pervasive for entire humanity yet so particular and specific for each abd reflected in every blink of the eyes ,every breath one took and each beat heart throbbed . As she opened a new page ,her eyes fell on the verse:

' And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him . He will make a way for him to get out [of every difficulty] ( Surah At -Talaq 65 :2)'

Reading the verse, automatically a smile graced Emaan's lips and a sense of tranquility had already began to settle in her heart as she knew she was conversing with the ONE who knew everything about her heart even before her heart knew. Peace and calmness flow down her veins as she read Qur'an but to her annoyance her hijab continued to slip. She knew the hijab Mrs Rahman had given was kind of slippery but her pins always held any kind of hijab .As the hijab slipped again ,she put her hands on her head to stable it only to realize she had only one pin on her hijab.Bewildered ,she took out the pin only to be left horrified that her mother's favourite hijab pin was missing. A surge of panic run down her entire being ,Emaan quickly completed reciting the entire surah and closing it ,she quickly whispered a dua ,

'Rabbana taqabbal Minna innaka antas-sameeul Aaleem ( Our Rabb ! Accept from us this ( service ); verily you are the All -Hearing ,the All-Knowing '

Ya Allah please don't my let my mother's pin be know what it means to me...don't take it away from me one can understand but I know YOU understand how special it is to me ...please Ya Rabbi.

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