His Wrath ,Her Guilt

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11th Febuary ,2011

Experience always reaps benefits and Emaan was reaping the benefits of her experience gained at working in a children's clinic .Though the past weeks in Al Firdous Aleppo Hospital had not been easy for her because of the hectic schedule and her lack of experience of working in a hospital and that too in a new country, among new people & the ever-present fear of Dr Dracula had kept her on her toes and heights of anxiety .But what she had thought would be the major problem was the language ,but this is where her experience came in use and solved her problem to very much extent. As in the children's clinic in which she had worked, most of her patient's parents were not educated and thus weren't able to explain exactly what symptoms or ailment their child was experiencing and thereby she became quite good in knowing the disease by simply examining without needing any kind of information provided by patients or their parents. As a result Emaan's fear had slowly started to get replaced with confidence & her colleagues appreciations was also helping in boosting her morale ,though  Khaled had remained passive about her performance but she was happy & relaxed  that atleast she hadn't had to face his wrath uptil now and everything was calm. But often calmness is just the silence before the storm. 

Emaan stood outside the pediatric ward ,waiting for Dr Khaled to finish his conversation with Dr Kurdi ,the head physician of pediatric ward. While she stood upright ,her heart  palpitated with fears and several anxieties about the moment when she will have to face the wrath of Dr Khaled because of the blunder she had committed. She stood there gauging his expressions ,wishing that their conversation never ends or that she becomes invisible or anything to save her from facing him & his wrath . When he turned ,she immediately looked down ,chanting every dua in her heart ,he didn't stopped nor looked at her but just passed by her asking her to come in his cabin in his cold tone. Emaan gulped hard ,and curbing her desire to run away to never come back,she followed him. Entering the office ,she let the door open as she had noticed that Khaled never closed the door when he was alone with any female in his office ,something she had started to admire .

( Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh) had said : "No man is alone with woman but the Shaitaan is the third one present"[Narrated by Ahmed, Tirmidhi and Hakim])

Emaan was agitated at her mind,while her heart was making supplications to escape Dr Dracula's wrath ,her mind was busy admiring his qualities. She was perplexed at this battle between her mind and heart which the man seething in anger before her had unknowingly had started.
Emaan came out of her thoughts when she heard his voice ,keeping his both hands in his pockets and his eyes on the reports that Dr Kurdi gave him ,Khaled said in his bone chilling tone,

" Dr Emaan I was told that I had to guide you but do tell me do I have to teach you basic things of treating a patient too "

Emaan looked down feeling embarrassed and hiding her tears that had welled up in her eyes .
" Would you answer me ,Dr Emaan?". Khaled' s voice boomed.

" No ,doctor " Emaan said meekly.

" Then can you tell me the reason why you didn't tried to know the history of your patient or you weren't taught that knowing history of a patient is basic and vital aspect in treating a patient" Khaled  tone becoming more colder.

" I was taught " Emaan spoke with difficulty she felt her throat had dried like she had not drank water since ages.

Emaan flinched as Khaled slammed both hands on the table as he said,
" Then why didnt you followed it ,or do you think you are so good that you don't need to follow any thing that had been taught to you.....Dr Emaan,do you even realize that your stupidity could have cost that child his life if not by Allah's mercy Dr Kurdi wasn't there to handle the case."

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