Under HIS Protection

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Zarar popped a candy in his mouth as he saw Abbas marching towards him and as soon as he reached him ,Zarar said coldly ,

" Took you long enough....you know Abbas I don't like waiting ..so better learn this soon or I will find a new deputy sergeant ..."

Abbas just nodded and followed Zarar with group of men towards the mosque .Seeing the coast clear of any cops ,Khaled and Hamza walked out of the hospital and followed Zarar and his troops discreetly when some of the cops stopped them making Khaled and Hamza to move back . Hamza looked at Khaled with a blank expression while Khaled didn't seem to notice it as his mind was captured in trying to process the solution to the situation if the last stroke of his plan failed to deceive the cops and save the innocent lives. His every beat of heart had whispered out a dua for the well being of people as his mind fail to conjure any idea . Seeing that cops won't let them go through , Khaled and Hamza decided to walk back towards the area where crowd stood . Seeing them ,Sidra ,Yamama and Férid quickly marched up to them with expressions of panic and anxiety flickering on their faces .They all looked at Hamza and Khaled but no one had the guts or the strength to voice out the fear lurking in their hearts as if their voicing out will make it true and real. Looking at their expressions ,Hamza sighed and looked at Khaled who himself looked lost with his hazel orbs turned into a shade of misty green articulating the thought process which his words had ceased to proclaim. But bringing him out of his reverie ,Hamza asked ,

" Khaled ...are we just going to wait here? ....Aren't we going do something?".

Khaled sighed as he slid his one hand in his jeans pocket while the wind ruffled his hairs as he looked up while he said ,

" Hamza do you remember the ayah "Do they not see the birds above them with wings outspread and [sometimes] folded in ? None upholds them except the Most Merciful ,Indeed HE is of all things ,Seeing.[ Quran 67:19]. The ayah might talk about birds to remind us of HIS signs and power but it also a reminder to us that sometimes after every effort we have put in we need to let the wings of our efforts be outspread and let Allah handle the affair ,cause HE  knows and sees our every effort and HE won't leave us alone in despair....if HE is holding that bird in the air then HE will definitely hold us to deal with this situation."

A surge of hope had filled the hearts of Hamza ,Sidra ,Yamama and Férid listening to the words of Khaled causing a dawn of courage to emerge in the night of apprehension reigning in their chambers of hearts , making them to smile slightly despite the tension and following Khaled's gaze they all looked up at the sky to see the eagle flying with its wings outstretched .

Zarar and his men along with Zaid the watchman of Al Firdous moved towards the mosque only to be left confused as he saw mosque filled with rows of people standing in Salah. Zarar looked at Abbas frowning as he asked,

"What salah they are praying....is it magrib prayer ..the whatever is called afternoon salah".

"It's zuhr Chief ...and it's almost time for it ".

"Yeah yeah....has been a long time since I prayed so forgot ....hey you watchman....min hum hadhih alsufuf min alnnas?"

( who are these rows of people ?)

" 'Iinahum 'ashkhasmin almanatiq alsakaniat almuhita ..nzrana li 'ana jmye almasajid al 'ukhraa baiedatan wabima 'ana kl alaihtijajat walqital yueadu muhimatan khatiratan..fa 'iinahum jmyeana yatun 'iilaa huna lilsalat walakun nzrana liwujud ' atabba wamuazafin wa 'afrad eayilatihim ayidana lilsala..fayasilun min qibal liasli kl wahid..jamaeatan...dun 'an yafeatahum". ( They are people from surrounding residential areas.. since all other mosques are far and since all the protest and fight.. going far is a dangerous task  they all come here to pray but since there are doctors ,staff members and family members also to pray ..so they pray before so that every one gets to pray in congregation ...without having to miss.) Zaid quickly said as Khaled had explained him earlier and messaged him again.

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