Morning of Crimson Happiness

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S/N : Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu my lovelies ! How you all have been ? I am very very very sorry for vanishing like that .It just that I underexpected the amount of holidays I needed to enjoy my brother's wedding and welcoming a new member in the house and adding chilly flakes to all this I got sick really bad wala sick ...well being sick is bad khair and then breaks comes with a cruel writer's block making you feel like a fish out of water .But somehow I finally forced myself to write this chapter ....but you know what I don't know the quality of the chapter though I have tried my best yet one thing that still continues is length of chapter making me again divide it into two parts ...🤭

And also I was overwhelmed by all of your messages that graced my notification. Seriously guys you are the sweetest😘. I promise to reply to each one of you soonest sorry for being late there also ....sorry please don't get upset with me 🥺🥺🥺

And though I might be missing from here but you all were in my duas some with names and some with anonymous identity 💕

And necessary fact : The girl who writes this book is quite greedy for comments so if you could be extravagant and spend excessively ...the poor girl will be grinning like maniac and give her dead writer's soul a much needed boost to write !😁


I didn't knew reward of waiting could be this beautiful,
Until I heard you say yes !

Yes ! It was just a mere whisper but it had the ability to echo in Khaled's heart with such resonance carving own tapestry of happiness in the pristine cloth of his soul.

The word 'yes' wasn't just an amalgmation of three syllabary but it seemed to held the essence of petrichor ,the fragrance earth whispered out receiving the drenched letters of love from sky and Khaled felt soils of his heart had sighed out the same scent as finally his sky was raining with happiness ,as finally the heaven had resonated with the kun to his duas ,finally his patience had found a key to lock of his torment and finally the dark night of his life was seeing the first glimmer of sunrays filling it with numerous shades of emotions unprecedented yet undeniably mesmerising. The dynasty of his heart had bloomed up with rhythm of celebrations merely at the thought of having its Queen's melody of arrival .

The moment was as magical as the enchantment the outside world was experiencing where the night was meeting the day ,the sun was enclosing it's golden petals while moon waited to see it's beloved shine in its pure glory before it bid farewell.While birds seemed to be orchestrating to the symphony their hearts were beating with.But unlike the outside wonder ,the inside marvel came to a nearer conclusion as Emaan not able to stand the embarrassment and shyness colouring her existence and fear of having her thumbing heart going on speaker mode walked out hastily followed by over zealous Sidra who before jogging out stopped at the door and whispered quickly ,

"Congratulations Dr Khaled !" .

And that words of felicitations was enough for Khaled to internalise those delirious state of happiness was actual a reality and a low chuckle escaped Khaled's mouth as he kept a hand on his forehead pushing them into his forest of hairs with numerous Alhamdulillah whispering out of his mouth and slight redness colouring his ears . And as if giving those moments a perfect denouement the azaan (call) for fajr salah resonated in the area marking not just beautiful beginning of the new day but a exquisite prologue to a new chapter that was about to begin in his and her lives.


Thundering heartbeats ,wavering breaths ,shivering existence and staggering steps was the way Emaan walked out of the room yet the resonance of her yes and the way Khaled had gazed back at her caused the dwindling canvas of her being curve a beautiful rainbow on her face, where the colour of red dominated and invaded her visage unabashedly despite her desperate attempt to control her petulant smile and fluttering giddiness she was feeling amidst the fearful ,embarassing and surrealistic the entire situation seemed to be like.

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