Broken Resolve

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" Dr Emaan I need you to come with me "

"Doctor I promise I just came here  to keep the file can ask Hala she ..." Emaan was saying when Khaled interrupted her ,

" Dr Emaan I know you won't do such a thing and it's not about that....I want you to assist me in a's emergency and we don't have enough doctors please follow me"

Emaan gulped hard as she heard Khaled .She had never performed a surgery not just because she had only worked in a clinic but mainly cause of the fear that reigned her heart since her parents death. With a hammering heart she followed Khaled when Dr George met them in the hallway and walking along with them said ,

"Dr Khaled Dr Duraid had begun the surgery and preparation for surgery you will perform is done and by the way Doctor Khaled you didn't changed your clothes ?".

At the words of George, Emaan's eyes widened as she finally noticed that Khaled's clothes were smeared with blood while Khaled winced & rubbing his forehead said,

" Yeah sorry....I just forgot ..I had gone to my office for that worries you and Dr Emaan move to OT ,I will just join you in a minute .."

Saying it Khaled jogged towards his office while George and Emaan brisk walked towards Operation theatre when Emaan asked ,

" Why were Dr Khaled's clothes smeared in blood ? What has happened ? Whose surgery is to be done  ?"

" Dr Khaled was returning from the medical camp early because of some important work when he found two boys on the side of the road in a severe condition with each brutally assaulted and bullets shot at them ....since he was alone he gave them whatever first aid he could provide at that moment and drove them here .....seeing their condition and blood loss it's a miracle they have survived till now and not to forget Dr Khaled's quick help and thinking ...while one boy is being operated by Dr Duraid and other assisting doctors and other one is to be by Dr Khaled & us...."

Emaan was bewilder with so much information & happening .Finally reaching  the OT room,Emaan kept her bag outside the bench of OT ,& entered into the scrub up and gowning area. Scrubbing her hands thoroughly & then donning sterile surgical gown ,mask and pair of sterile gloves ,Emaan entered the single theatre suite .Emaan felt a chill down her spine not sure whether it was due to the cold temperature of OT or the fear that entourage her mind and body as knowing what nightmare the upcoming sight would unleash. Fisting her hands tightly she followed George inside the room to come across two nurses and one anesthetist preparing to give anesthesia to the boy who had started gaining consciousness . Emaan clutched the equipment table as she saw the pool of blood surrounding the boy.  Emaan didn't realised when Khaled entered the operation theatre or what he instructed as she felt herself transported back to the time and instead of the boy she was seeing her parents lying there in pool of blood .Her breaths had shortened , the hammering heart inside her rib cage was only sound she could hear ,even with the cold temperature her face ,hands and feets were clamped up in sweats ,with a shivering glove worn hand she touched the blood wishing it was mirage ...wishing that it will vanish with a touch just like she had wished when she had seen her parents surrounded in blood. But as she looked at the red colour on her glove , her eyes automatically started raining down tears as she realised it was real ,it was again real...she was experiencing again ,the ripping up of her heart ,shattering of her life ,evaporation of every colour in her life ,with red tainting her life totally black with no light to pierce through and end it....she felt herself drowning again in the dark pit when she heard a hushed voice ...and then the voice echoed making her come out of her stupor as she found Khaled glaring at her ,& before she could speak ,Khaled voice boomed,

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