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S/N : Most of the time I divide the chapter when it turns out to be long but this time I wanted to end this chapter a certain way so this time I am not dividing it ,that means this is going to be longest till now .So you have been warned ...So read at your own free time!

But I hope you don't get bored  make sure to comment loads😬


A dainty streams of early morning light filtered through the window panes ,caging the droopy coast of the room with warm summer like feelings.Maryam lying on her stomach ,all dressed up in her white frock and a small miniscule bunch of hair ardently tied into a vigilant still pony on her forehead along with her chubby red cheeks looked like an angel alongside looking like an apple with a little pedicel.

Looking mesmerising and adorable at the same time but what aggravated the joviality of the situation was her actions . Maryam was deeply involved in caging the streams of light falling on her padded soft paw like palms but an annoyed frown was sketched on her forehead at her relentless failed attempt and her shock at the ability of stream of light escaping her every massive rigorous attempt to trap it .

While the daughter was indulged in accomplishing an unfeasible task while at the same time her mother was doing her last minute check up of her backpack which consisted of Maryam's belonging and trying to perform improbable mission which was very much feasible to every living being - to breath without going through any panic and nervous break down .

It had been almost over a month since their marriage ,Emaan was experiencing the changes ,the flips of her heart ,hitch hiking feelings , the obedient calmness and unannounced giggles and smiles ,the warm emotions that burned her yet enlightened her world like a bedazzling sunrise ,drowned her in emotions like raging oceans and bloomed and blossomed like a delicate flower all at the same time and all cause of the same man. The changes had been rampant yet welcoming but sudden thought of going actually to his house ,to be introduced as his wife ,to be judged by those who have known him ,the pressure ,the anxiousness overwhelmingly burdening and tightening the crawling anxiety's grasp bit by bit .

Emaan's eyes was moving through the things in her bag but her brain being so much cramped, she wasn't even able to focus or actually implement the task of checking the things .She didn't knew how after Fajr and quick breakfast she had rushed back to her room ,speculating again over the suitability of the dress which she had never done and which she had already spend entire part of time ruminating last night and brain pecking Sidra which hadn't resulted in a decent feedback as Sidra threatened to tie her down and let her not leave if she asked one more time .

Exhaling out and closing her eyes while invocating Allah's help ,Emaan glided her eyes once again over the ingredients of her bag before zipping it up when she turned around hearing the door open with a flushed Sidra walking in,whose expressions changed into perplexion seeing Emaan as she  ,

"What are you doing Emaan ? Why aren't you ready yet? Dr Khaled is waiting for you !".

"Does my dress look alright ?Do I look alright ?". Emaan asked glancing over herself before looking up at Sidra ,to find an acute flamboyant sense of annoyance settling on her face as she huffed ,

"What is up with you Emaan ? You weren't so paranoid choosing your wedding attire what has gone wrong with you so suddenly ?You know Dr Khaled is already head over heels for you he will like you even if you were to dress up like Tarzan !". Sidra giggled seeing the shocked expressions of Emaan who launched a comb in her direction staring at her incredulously ,

"Don't mouth absurd ! And why will I try to impress him ?". Emaan turned around picking her abaya from the bed whispering to herself ,

"He already has dozens of soon to be wife to impress him !".

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