Her Decision

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" He is....J..Jamal"

Though Sidra didn't knew who Jamal was but seeing the pain and anguish of her friend also caused her tears to trickle down her eyes as she engulfed Emaan in her embrace.

Khaled had just came out of performing one surgery and was quickly marching towards the wards dealing with extreme severity cases when his eyes fell on the ruckus created around one of the stations that were alloted to the doctors examining incoming casualities. He ran towards the crowd and siding the people to see the cause of ruckus,he came across Sidra who was trying to pacify the people and then his eyes fell on Emaan who was sitting on the floor lost while tears trickled down her eyes.
Khaled fisting his hands sighed as the guilt he had been feeling since yesterday had increased to tenfold seeing Emaan in the condition .

Is she again having a panic attack ?..Why is so afraid of blood ? ..

Wrestling with the thoughts that Emaan's condition had ensued ,Khaled moved towards Sidra and raising his hand up in air ,he addressed the crowd in his dominating voice ,

"ALSAMT !....aljamie sayahsulun ealaa aleilaj walreiyat walakum min ajl dhlk yjb 'an tatahalaa bialsabr "( SILENCE.!...everybody will be given treatment and looked after but for that you need to have patience).

Hearing Khaled's voice ,Emaan came out of her reverie and tried to stop her flowing tears as not wanting to appear vulnerable infront of him.

Seeing everyone calm ,Khaled turned towards Sidra and asked,

" Dr Sidra ,can you explain the cause of this ruckus?"

" Dr Khaled ...one of the casualty that came is no more and Emaan knew him very well...... "

Khaled was shocked but he was more shocked the way his heart had constricted thinking about the relation Emaan might have with the man that made her cry for him. Chopping off the novel and ridiculous thoughts his mind was sprouting,Khaled nodded his head and asked Sidra ,

"Dr Sidra you go back to your station while I will manage this one ..okay "

Sidra nodded at him and giving a quick glance at Emaan,she ran towards her station to deal with the crowd of casualties around her station.

After a period of time ,seeing the crowd had reduced around the station and asking the body of Jamal to be shifted in mortuary ,Khaled went over to Emaan and said ,

" Dr Emaan, would you please come with me !"

Emaan nodding her head stood up and followed Khaled knowing full well what was to come next . But to her amazement ,Khaled asked her to sit on the bench and vanished somewhere. Trying to comprehend Khaled's behaviour ,Emaan was lost in thoughts when she heard clearing of throat .As she looked up she saw Khaled standing before her with a glass of water . Emaan looked at Khaled and then at glass totally confused . Finding glass still in his hand ,Khaled who had been looking sideward all this time looked at Emaan and found her staring at him with confusion, he gestured her to take the glass with his eyes causing Emaan's confusion to drain as she tentatively took the glass & looked down feeling ashamed & embarassed of staring at him. Giving her the glass of water ,Khaled moved backwards and leaning against the wall said ,

"Dr Emaan I am not going to ask you to go back to your work or to stop crying.....but only gonna say that the pain you are experiencing will be experienced by many others may be much deeper but this number can be less if you courage up to face your fear and pain now ...and remember  "Allah does not burden a soul beyond it can bear "...so if Allah SWT believes you can bear this pain and still serve the people then don't betray HIS belief in you by giving up but seek strength through that belief.....make use of the knowledge HE has blessed you with when it is most needed..,...... " Khaled said earnestly .

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