Uriduk 'an taqabalani

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With Maryam waking up in the middle of night and knowing Sidra had to leave early, Emaan letting her sleep had woken up herself and until she had made or more accurately coaxed ,lulled ,strolled across the entire room to put Maryam back to sleep ,it was already time of Fajr .After praying Fajr in the room only and bidding Sidra off with a life taking hug ,Emaan seeing there were still two hours left to join her late shift ,setting an alarm ,Emaan snuggled inside the blanket along with Maryam .

But to her horror ,after much snoozing of her repetitive alarms when her eyes finally decided to open up ,it was really late .Sprinting through the room in haste ,taking the quickest shower ever ,Emaan got herself ready and pinning her dark olive green hijab and picking Maryam and her white coat rushed out of the room .

"Assalamualaikum Mrs Esber !Sorry for intruding!" .Emaan whispered taking heavy breaths.

"Walekumassalam habibti ! I was waiting for you both !" Mrs Esber smiled taking Maryam from Emaan while adding ,

"Ma sha Allah you look even more pretty than usual .Is it effect of being married or extra effort has been applied to get ready?".

"No it's nothing like that !". Emaan flushed all embarassed .

Ya Allah I am married !.

"This colour surely suits you .I must say Dr Khaled won't be able take off his eyes from you ".

Not used and comfortable with compliments ,especially when it involved Khaled ,Emaan flustered mumbled,

"I..I am getting late Mrs Esber .I will talk to you later .Jazakillah Khairan for everything !" Emaan smiled and kissing Mimi ,rushed towards the hospital while Mrs Esber chuckling at Emaan's flushed reactions move inside while talking to Maryam in childish tone.

"Oh Maryam is here !" Mr Esber commented walking out of the kitchen ," Did you gave back Dr Emaan's mobile?".

Mrs Esber clicked her tongue in annoyance causing Mr Esber to frown before chuckling ,

"You know these are the signs of early old age !".

"No these are sign of living with an old man !".Mrs Esber quipped straddling Maryam in her arms moved to sit on the chair .


Reaching the reception area ,Emaan didn't knew her heart was beating more with her running or cause of all moments from yesterday and the jittery feeling of how she was to react seeing him face to face .How was she suppose to react blankly when just listening his name and mere realisation that she was married to him ,caused her heart run like prey chased by predator .Knowing these flustered reactions will incensed doubts she came with concluding decision to avoid Khaled until she could settle all her feelings and behave normaly .When while signing her attendance ,Hala informed about Dr Isa gaining conscious making her run towards his room .

But her steps stopped just near the door when she heard Khaled's voice coming out of the room giving her nerve a rollercoaster ride of feelings .She was about to turn to spring away when to her much chagrin ,the door opened and she heard one of the ward attendant Badr ,

"Oh Dr Emaan please come in !". Badr quickly give her a side while Emaan having no option forced her legs to move inside while mumbling internally ,

What kind of revenge brother Badr did you take on me ?.

Avoiding his gaze desperately ,Emaan walked in mumbling greeting and moved to stand next to Khaled yet with a perfect one arm distance between them.

"How are you feeling now Dr Fateh ?".

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