family ; troubles

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"Good morning haha-ue."

You took a seat. You sat across from the side your mother sat. The two of you met at a small cafe, in the corner, always, about four times a year. Every season.

"Morning, Gojo-san."

"Come on, haha-ue, you're better than that," you teased, leaning your cheek in the palm of your hand. "Let's drop the formalities. Talk like mother and daughter."

She scoffed, averting her gaze to the window. "Have you changed your decision?"

"Of course not," you answered.

The waitress came over. "May I take your order?"

You smiled up at them politely while your mother stayed still, staring out the window. You raised up two fingers. "Two black coffees please." the waitress nodded and walked away. You turned to your mother. "Got just what you like. I have no idea how you drink that stuff though. It's way too bitter."


"How's Toshi-kun doing?" You asked, tapping your fingers against the table, knowing it would irritate her. "Future.. Heir and all."

You saw your mother clench her jaw. "He's doing fine."

"Mhm. I should be seeing him soon at the Goodwill event. Kyoto versus Tokyo. That's always exciting." She didn't answer. "Can't wait to see how weak he still is. He stores his blood doesn't he? I mean, it's the way most do things but how are you going to be a leader, if all you do is follow?"

It was more of you talking to yourself now. "How's everyone else, then, if you won't tell me about Toshi-kun. How's To-chan?"

"He's fine," you mother answered. "He still doesn't want anything to do with you however."

"Of course. I acknowledge that. I understand why as well."

Your mother looked away from the window, to you. "You have.. an offer."

"An offer?" You repeated.

"An offer," she confirmed. "Most of the Kamo Clan has agreed to accept you as the head heir instead of Noritoshi. They agree that you'd be the best fit. Please"-

"I'm sorry." You looked her dead in the eyes. "You know my answer to that."

Your mother lowered her head, clenching her teeth. The waitress came back, giving you both your coffee. You thanked her quickly, and she scurried off. Once she was gone, your mother spoke. "Why must you be like this? Why must you be such a disappointment?"

"I ask myself that every day," you answered, smiling sweetly. "I never wanted to be a disapp"-

"What do you mean you never wanted that?" Your mother looked up at you, glaring, clearly angry. "It's not like you didn't have a choice. It was either that Gojou Satoru or our clan, and what did you pick-?"

"I picked Sa- Gojou." You were always slapped when you referred to him by his first name in front of your parents. "And I would've picked head heir if- if I thought I was perfect for the job. But I'm not. I'm just the lucky one who got the family cursed technique. I'm sorry haha-ue but, i can't."

You mother stood up abruptly. "It's always that boy. Ironically, blood relations seem to be the thing you care least about." She stormed off.

"Without even drinking her coffee," you muttered, before taking sip of yours, before scrunching your nose and putting it down. You looked out the window, to see her walking away. You shook your head.

"Like I said. Too bitter."

"I'm leaving."

"You're what?" Your mother looked up from her daily black coffee. It was morning. You had been staying at your parents place for a little bit. Your father looked up as well.

You were standing in the hallway. "I.. I will be living with my boyfriend."

Your mother narrowed his eyes at you. "Is this one of those stupid jokes of yours, because if so Kamo Y/N"-

"Who is.. your boyfriend?" Your father interrupted your mother, his voice booming. You stayed silent, looking down at your feet. He repeated himself, even louder. "Who. Is. Your. Boyfriend?" You muttered something, unheard. "We've taught you how to speak to your elders properly, have we not?"

"Gojou Satoru," you said louder. Your father didn't look unsurprised. Your mother threw her cup of coffee at you. "What a shame, " you muttered, as you quickly moved away from where it would hit. It ended up hitting the wall behind you, breaking into tiny pieces. "This was in my favourite set of china."

"You've been in a relationship with Gojou Satoru of all people?!" Your father yelled at you.

You looked down at the coffee which was slowly spreading around, nearing your feet. "I thought you'd like that," you lied. "His blood in the family would make us extremely powerful, no?"

Your mother was holding back tears, it seemed, and your father was just mad. That wasn't even the proper word to describe him; it was more outraged. "I think you forget how important respect is to us. Gojou Satoru could give us a powerful heir, yes, but who says the Gojou clan won't take the child in for themselves?"

"I do," you answered, telling the full truth this time.

"Satoru is much more powerful than you. The heir of our family shouldn't"-

"About that." You interrupted him. "I don't plan on taking my role as heir."

Both your parents suddenly started spewing words of hate, yelling insults, degrading you in every possible way they could. Every way you were used to. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt you. This was why, though. This is the reason you made the decision.

Your family didn't love you. Gojou Satoru did. 

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