alone; stomach

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nOT the way i've posted a whole arc when i should be in school.

"I can't believe Gojou-sensei," Nobara sighed, as she walked with Maki, late at night. "I was joking around when I said he wasn't a good husband but.. Forgetting an anniversary isn't even comparable to him."

"Did I hear my name?" When the two girls turned the corner they were met with their giant child of a teacher.

Their eyes widened. Maki gaped. "How are you here?"

"What?" "You're an asshole Gojou-sensei!" Nobara yelled at him. He was definitely taken aback. "How could you be so heartless?! We thought you loved Kamo-sensei!"

"I mean I do, but why are you bringing that up with me? She's the one who forgot our anniversary." Gojou crossed his arms. Maki looked him up. He was stable. Sober. He didn't look at all drunk.

Maki slowly began realizing something. "Gojou-sensei, you... didn't go home?"

Gojou sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "No, is Y/N mad? I just had a lot of paperwork and I was tired so I ended up falling asleep at the school, but since she forgot our anniversary I assumed it was fine."

It clicked for Nobara too. "Kamo-sensei's in danger," Nobara muttered.

Gojous' eyebrows furrowed. "What? Speak up will you, I'm old"-

"Kamo-sensei thinks you're at home!" Maki yelled. "We went to your house to help her plan a dinner for you, and you came home, we were hiding when you did. You were drunk, and you were yelling at her, and you told her some awful things. She made us leave and then she went upstairs.. But it wasn't you."

"We left her alone! Kamo-senpai's alone with someone she thinks is you!" Nobara concluded, shaking in fear.

Gojou stayed still for a second. Nobara and Maki stared. Somehow, under their gaze, he disappeared. They didn't even see him take a step.

Yet he was immediately at your home. He quickly ran up the stairs, but stopped when he heard a yell. "Satoru!"

Gojou looked down at the bottom of the stairs, to see you wide eyed, and unharmed. He rushed down the stairs and grabbed your hands, checking for any sign of you being harmed. "What happened, the girls said"- And he chopped off your head.

Of course, you disappeared, and in your place was a curse. It was definitely a special grade. But guess what? Gojou was too. It was easy to see through it with the information he already had and his six eyes.

"What did you do to my wife?" Gojou glared intimidatingly at the curse, blindfold having been taken off. The curse shook its head rapidly, and Gojou punched it in its stomach. It spat out its disgusting purple substance, still shaking his head. Gojou went for another punch, but was stopped when a spear went past his face and hit the curse in the face. A spear made of blood. Lots of it.

"Your wife's fine," you smiled at him from the top of the stairs. Gojou exorcized the curse properly while he stared at you with wide eyes. Blood was seeping through your clothes.

Gojou quickly hurried up the stairs, and you turned so he only saw the front of you. "Show me your back" he urged. "Come on Y/N, we don't have time."

"Okay, okay, I'll lift my shirt, but don't overreact okay?" He nodded hesitantly.

You lifted up your shirt and Gojou almost puked at the sight of a hole in your stomach. A literal hole in your stomach. "I'm alright, but going to Shoko quick would be nice," you said quietly. While there was a hole in your stomach - Gojou would never get over this-, your blood was still properly circulating, because of your cursed technique. You were quiet advanced and could control the blood in your body quite well,  but it was definitely tiring.

Gojou slipped under your hand, carrying you lightly and making sure not to distract you and break your concentration. He wanted to say sorry but he knew you'd just waste your energy on telling him it was alright.

So he watched you struggle while his heart hurt in a way it never had before .

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