best; husband

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"Come on, Itadori," you mocked, placing your hand on your hip. "You can do better than that."

Itadori fell back, panting heavily. "I.. can't!"

"You can! You have to! You gotta get stronger, remember?"

Immediately, Itadori bounced back up. You chuckled. The mood swings of this boy were incredible. You were getting back into shape, practicing by training with Itadori. The higher ups didn't know of Itadori actually being alive or the fact that you had beared a Kamo-Gojou child so, you were hiding a lot from them.

You're family was very understandably disappointed in you. That was something you were very numbed and used to.

As Itadori continuously went on the offense, and you on the defense, you laughed at him to rile him up. "Yuji, I'm thinking about what books I should buy while you're attacking me, you can't do better?"

Itadori yelled as he went in for a punch, one that left him very open, so you quickly switched to offense and barrelled into him, pinning him down swiftly. Itadori groaned for the millionth time today. "Damn it Kamo-sensei! You're too good!"

You winked at him, grinning widely as you got up. When he grabbed your helping hand to get up, the door opened. You both turned your head in sync, to see Gojou grinning widely at you with two bags hanging on each arm.

You pulled up Itadori, who pounced over to Gojou in excitement. "Food! And water!" He cheered.

As Itadori rummaged through the bags, fishing for water bottles, you walked over to Gojou with a wide grin. "You're enjoying yourself, huh?" Gojou smiled at you, unable to stop himself from staring at your joyful expression.

"Very much," you replied happily.

"Kamo-sensei," Itadori called for you, and you quickly turned your head. He was holding up small bags of chips. "Would you like some? What's your favourite?"

"Ooh, those ones, please," you answered, pointing at the ones you wanted. He threw them over and you quickly thanked him. You turned back to Gojou, grin even wider. "He's so precious!" You squealed.

Gojou ruffled your hair, and you giggled. When you looked down to put your hand in the bag of chips, his smile faltered. He was worried that you'd grow too fond of Itadori, like a child of yours, which wouldn't be a smart thing to do. He knew you knew that, but he'd sensed that you'd suddenly been acting more.. Motherly. It was like those instincts had turned on without even having the child.

"Hey," he said softly, getting your attention alone. He bent down a bit so you'd hear better. "You know not to.. Well, you know?" He couldn't bring himself to say it.

Thankfully, your bright grin turned into more of a reassuring smile. "I know." You ruffled his hair as well, glancing back at Itadori who was and had been gulping down water for a good minute. You used one hand to keep Gojou's hair back and another to pull at his blindfold, lifting it up slightly so you could see his eyes. Despite being prepared to see them, you didn't move for a second, entranced by him.

You quickly shook your head and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Thank you for worrying though."

"Of course," he leaned down for another quick kiss. "It's what a good husband does."

"Did you do the laundry when you went home?" His eyes widened slightly, and before he could say no, you unhooked your finger from his blindfold, making it snap against his face. He hissed, and held onto his face while you laughed and Itadori stopped drinking water to watch in confusion.

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