40 secret; horrible

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You walked on the jujutsu tech grounds, trying to hide a giddy smile. You placed your hand over your heart, still feeling how hard it beat even after saying goodbye to him. Just the thought of him made your heart race. Your face heat up, but you weren't exactly embarrassed.

You were too lovesick to even realize that no one seemed to be at the school.

When you got to your dorm, you opened the door, playing with the flower he'd given you on your date. You didn't realize the light was on in your room until you opened the door, immediately yelping when your 3rd year senpais were sitting in your room, arms and legs crossed, giving you an expectant look.

"What the hell?!" You yelled. "You can't just- what are you three doing in my room!"

"Come on, Y/N, where are the formalities?" Getou sighed. "We're your senpais, y'know?"

"We noticed," Shoko started. "That you didn't come to school last night. And Nanami wouldn't tell us anything. So we came for you to tell us where you were."

"You're not my mother," you crossed your arms, glaring at them. "I could be wherever I please, and it's none of your business."

"You were gone all night," Gojou glared at you. "And just got back at 6 in the morning. Were you out doing drugs?"

"No!" you yelled, going to your bed, to push Gojou off. He rudely sat there, while Shoko and Getou took a seat on the chairs in your room. The chairs where Nanami and you would always sit. Haibara always hogged the bed. "Like I said," You grabbed Gojou's shoulders. "It's none of your business."

Gojou didn't let you push him off, and instead grabbed your wrists and pulled you closer, causing you to trip over his feet and fall onto him. Gojou leaned back slightly, and your eyes widened once you realized your hands were on the bed, trapping him underneath you. You looked up at Gojou's face, to see him cockily grinning at you.

You composed yourself, coughing as you stood back up. Getou and Shoko whispered, loudly.
"Do they have to be so obvious about it?"

"Right, just say you have immense sexual tension and have sex to get rid of it."

You turned to them, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not-! Nevermind!" you stormed to the door. "Just call me when you finally leave me room."

"Hey, Y/N, I'll tell them your secret unless you tell us."

"You know?!" Getou and Gojou yelled, turning their heads to her.

"Not the secret we're looking for," she shook her head, eyes holding yours, as hers had a mischievous glint. "But another."

"Shoko, you said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Then tell us."


"Y/N smokes."

Gojou gasped dramatically, as Getou raised an eyebrow at you. "Woah, Y/N, you know we don't care that much about that right?" Getou asked. "Why hide it?"

"It's just kind of.. Shameful," you said, looking to the ground. "I just started, I mean, I'll stop."

"That's what I said," Shoko muttered, taking out a cigarette from her pocket. She lighted it. "That's what they all say."

"Is that a rose?" Getou asked. Truth be told, Gojou noticed it a while ago. He just didn't want to speak about it. Getou figured it out once he noticed though. "Oh my god, Y/N went on a date."

"No, I didn't!" You protested. "I'm getting arranged, so the elders gave me some.. options," You bit your lip. "And I ended up liking one."

Getou got up, and ruffled your hair, chuckling. "Our little Y/N's grown up," he leant down to make eye contact with you, raised his eyebrow, and spoke with a mocking tone. "You know what sex is right?"

"Shut up," you swat his hand away from your head, glaring at him.

"Well, now we know," Shoko got up, heading to the door. "There's no reason for us to stay. Remember to use protection, alright?"

"Shoko, shut your mouth!"

Shoko and Getou laughed as they headed out. Getou stopped at the door, though, and turned to Gojou, who was still sat on your bed. "You coming?"

Gojou had been glaring at the flower in your hand the whole time. He shook his head and stood up, slouching. "Mhm. I have a mission soon though."

Gojou left your room without saying a word to you. Getou closed your door, saying goodbye, before turning to his friend. "Since when did you like Y/N?"

"Shut it."

Oh my god.

You woke up, with a horrible hangover, with just as horrible memories. You were a horrible person. It was your 18th birthday yesterday.

As images of making out with Gojou flooded your mind, you immediately hit your head, and opened the windows, blinding yourself.

You'd almost lost your virginity last night. Not to your boyfriend, no, but to Gojou. You'd cheated. You were the filthy cheating scum Shoko had told you about when she got cheated on. You were a cheater.

And for some reason your mind justified it. It was Gojou Satoru, what were you supposed to do, say no? You hoped your fully sober brain wouldn't be such a horrible version of you. You prayed Gojou, who was also completely wasted, didn't remember this today.

You knew you had to break up with your boyfriend and tell him you were a complete ass. You were a cheater, yes, but at the very least you didn't want to lie to him.

You heard a knock on your door, and groaned extremely loudly before heading to the door. When you opened it, you saw Gojou. "Sat.. senpai!" You exclaimed, surprised he'd show up. If he did remember, you'd think he'd have some dignity and be slightly embarrassed for almost fucking his kouhai. And if he didn't remember, it was weird because he never showed up at your dorm.

"Hey, you have any medicine?" He asked, rubbing his head. "Getou finished all his, and Shoko's still asleep so.."

"Um, yeah, just wait out here," you said before shtting the door in his face. He held the door handle before it could fully close, so you heard his tired chuckle.

"What, you got someone in there? Did you get so drunk you cheated on your boyfriend or something?" With you, yes, you would've said. But you sighed in relief as you got him some medicine, relieved he didn't remember. You wouldn't know what you'd do if he did.

"No," you answered as you shoved the medicine in his hand, not able to look him in the eyes. "This is all I have, sorry."

"It's alright," Gojou thanked you and walked away, to your fortune, so you could freak out in your room alone. Gojou headed to Getou's room, because it was the closest, and he needed water. The door was open so obviously he let himself in.

Getou was sprawled on his bed, and had been groaning the whole time Gojou was there earlier. He still was. It wasn't surprising since Getou was probably the one drank the most at Shoko's medical school friends party.

"Hey, I don't remember much," Getou rolled over, so his face faced the ceiling. He covered his eyes so he wouldn't have to face the light. "But did you drink last night? After swearing not to?"

"I haven't drunk for a few months now, but someone.. Kamo offered me a drink. She practically shoved it in my mouth."

Getou grinned, knowingly. "No, she didn't. She offered it to you once and you immediately took it. You lovesick bitch. Y/N has a boyfriend, y'know?"

If only he knew.

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