puppy; cuddles

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Gojou didn't come home until late at night, or really, early morning. You had fallen asleep on the couch and Utahime had decided to leave you there, sitting on the smaller couch, scrolling through her phone.

She heard the door click, and tensed before realizing it could only be one person. Gojou stepped inside the home with a bright smile, as Utahime glared at him. His eyes made their way over to you, asleep on the couch, before going back to Utahime.

"Thanks," he grinned.

"You're welcome," she answered, too tired to insult him, before grabbing her things and heading to the door. "Have fun with her. She's very.. Emotional. More mad than sad, by the way."

"That's good to know," Gojou still smiled, as he looked over at you. In fact, his smile seemed to grow.

Once Utahime had left, Gojou went over to you and poked you. You grumbled and turned around. "Sweetheart," he cooed. "I'm home."

You still grumbled, but lifted up your hand to feel for his face. You touched his mouth and cheek first, before patting around, moving your hands upward, to feel his face. "Satoru," you mumbled softly. "Everything hurt."

"I know it does."

"No, it did. It's better now."

Gojou moved hair away from your face, noticing the small frown. "Then why are you so sad?"

"Because the sadness came back."

"Oh. Well," he swooped you up, grinning at your now surprised face. "I can't do what I usually do to make you feel better so.. How about we cuddle? You can hug me as much as you want."

"I can always do that," you retorted.

"And.. tomorrow. I'll let you buy a dog."

"I love you."

"I love you so freaking much!" You squealed as you kissed the puppy, Gojou glaring.

Fushiguro, who had come inside because Gojou was running late for class, crossed his arms. "It's your fault, sensei."

Gojou still sulked. "It's like I'm a widow."

"It's a widower, cause you're a guy," you said, looking up, before you went back to kissing the pup.

"And she comes back to life to correct my grammar," he fell into a deeper sulk, but then turned to Fushiguro, as cheery as could be. His mood swings would be the end of Fushiguro. "And I thought you knew already. I won't be able to come for two days."

"Oh. Personal reasons." Fushiguro easily pieced things together without any questions. "Alright. Feel better soon Kamo-sensei!"

"Thank you sweetie!" You said, not looking up from your dog.

Once Fushiguro was gone, Gojou groaned and dragged his feet to where you were, falling on the couch dramatically, and making the puppy jump off your lap. "Sato!" you whined, when the puppy had left you.

"You've spent enough time with Okashi, now spend time with meee!"

"Alright, come here," you gestured him over, smiling. "We're gonna cuddle all day. You ready for that?"

Gojou jumped up excitedly. "Let me. set up. everything."

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