41 no;don't

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"You're.. Okay with it?" You asked hesitantly, looking up at your boyfriend. He smiled, and patted your head.

"Of course. You were drunk, you weren't in the right state of mind. And Gojou's the senpai, he should've done better. The good thing is that it didn't get to that point. You kicked his dick for good measure."

You chuckled, looking down. "I didn't think you'd be okay with this, honestly." A little bit of doubt stuck in the back of your mind. Did you not think he'd be okay with it or did you want him not be okay with it?

"I'm a bit upset.. But other than that, I understand." Your boyfriend's eyes darted to the windows. "I think.. Well, I would feel more comfortable if you didn't go near him for a bit."

"He's my fri- senpai. It would seem rude."

"Yes, but," your boyfriend traced his finger across your jaw. "I'm your boyfriend. Don't you think.. It's best you do as your boyfriend pleases for a bit? As a way to apologize."

"If that's what you want," you sighed. "But if he has to talk to me about something important, as he's my senpai, I won't turn him down."

Your boyfriend frowned. "Fine." His eyes then darted to the door. He tilted your head up, his frown becoming a grin. "Only if you kiss me." As he leaned closer he whispered, "To get rid of any traces of him."

As he kissed you, he kept his eyes open, staring Gojou Satoru straight in his eyes. As you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend, he winked. Gojou kept his jaw clenched so he wouldn't start yelling in anger. He was livid.

Gojou's fists shook as your boyfriend placed his hand under your shirt, feeling you up. Almost everyone he knew wavered under his gaze, but your boyfriend looked Gojou in the eyes as he felt you up.

Getou, who had been getting a drink from the vending machine, realizing the situation, pushed Gojou away from the door, despite Gojou wanting to go in there and rip your boyfriends eyes out.

Once they were a good distance away, and Getou and finished his drink, he threw the can to the floor, so Gojou could kick it angrily. "Fuck him!"

"You're not ignoring me?" Gojou yelled at you as you walked away from him, after not talking to him for over a week.

"Gojou-senpai leave me alone."

"What did I say about the senpai thing?"

"Gojou-san." Woah, that was worse. "Do you respect me?"

Gojou shrugged. "I guess."

"So can you respect my decision to not be near you for a little while. Just give me a few more weeks."

"A few more weeks of not talking to my friend?" Gojou's jaw clenched. "Is this because of your boyfriend?"

"What? No! It's.. both our faults."

"Cause we almost fucked?"

You looked up at him in shock. "You.." You wanted to dig a hole. "Remember?" and die in it.

"Of course, you think I'd forget that?"

You looked down again. "You just.. Didn't seem like you remembered. I was hoping you didn't."

"I was drunk off my mind, but some things can't be forgotten. You like me right, Kamo?" You felt a shiver go up your spine, and you straightened up, embarrassed.

"No!" Ouch. "I have a boyfriend."

"But you like me more. You wanted to use the cheating thing as a way to get out of your relationship, right?" Damn, he got you.

"No." You clenched your fists, glaring up at him. It was pretty courageous of you, glaring at the person with the best glare. "Don't be so cocky all the time, senpai. I don't like you. I was drunk and it was an in the moment thing."

"Maybe you're an honest drunk," Gojou glared back at you. "Cause with the way you were acting.. I doubt it was an in the moment thing."


"You said you loved me."

"I don't."

"You said it though."

"Gojou senpai, drop it."

"Why would you say it if"-

"I don't love you Gojou! Leave me alone!" And with that you stormed off, as Gojou clenched his teeth.

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