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"Nice to meet you," you bowed to the slightly older boy. "I'm Y/N.. Kamo Y/N."

The boy didn't bow back, simply looked down at you. Your mother put a hand on your shoulder and you slowly straightened up. The boy had his hands in his pockets. While you wore a pink kimono, this boy wore shorts and a t shirt. The elders bowed to each other, while your eyes were fixed on the boy.

He looked up at you and glared, his bright blue eyes so intimidating that you immediately looked away. You tugged at your mothers kimono, looking up at her, but she simply shook her head and turned her head back to the elders who were talking.

You fidgeted with you hands until the elders conversation seemed to end. You were filled with hope of leaving but your father bent to your level and said, "The adults need to talk with each other. You get to know that Satoru boy."


He glared at you. It wasn't as scary as the Gojou boys but you still obeyed him. You bowed to the elders, and they disregarded you. Well, all except one, your own grandparents. They smiled and you bit back a smile, the little mischievous glint in your eyes still there. The smile was a little secret between you and them, and that alone felt thrilling.

This didn't go unnoticed by Gojou.

As everyone left, you were left alone with Gojou Satoru, the boy everyone always talked about. You were born not too long after him, and were expected to be as great as him. Well, not completely, it was too much to expect another shift of the balance of power.

You stared at your feet, slightly shaking as you felt Gojou's intense stare. "Oi," he said roughly. You looked up, surprised he'd talked to you. He still looked at you like you were dirt on his shoe. "How old are you?"

"I'm, um, four," you answered, pulling at your fingers.

Gojou clicked his tongue. "They really expect me to play with a baby."

Your eyebrows furrowed, and you felt a bit annoyed by the arrogant boy. "I'm not a baby! You're only five!"

Gojou's nose scrunched and he looked down at you in disgust. "How do you know how old I am?" He leaned towards you. "Are you a stalker?"

Your face heated up. "What?! No!"

He moved back and laughed. "Creepy! I'm going to tell everyone you're a stalker!"

You crossed your arms, kicking at the ground. "I don't like you," you muttered quietly.

"Huh?" Gojou teased. "What was that?"

"I," you grit your teeth. "Don't like you!"

Gojou's eyebrows now furrowed. "Well, I don't like you either idiot!"

You jumped at him, punching his arm before he realized. But then you realized. You couldn't touch him. Gojou grinned widely, and pulled your hair. You screeched and grabbed at your hair, trying to pry his fingers off.

"What is going on-? Satoru!" One of the female elders in the Gojou clan pulled him off of you. "What do you think you're doing" She scolded.

"Is something wrong?" Your father seemed to have came as well. He saw your messy hair and slightly loose kimono and narrowed his eyes at you. "What did you get yourself into young lady?"

"No, no, It was Satoru heres fault," the elder explained. "He was pulling at your daughters hair."

"She started it!" Gojou blamed, pointing a finger at you. "She punched me first!" He crossed his arms and grinned, "It didn't hit though, cause she was too weak."

"I'm not!" You yelled at him, taking a step forwards, but your father kept you back. "Oto-san! He called me"-

"Prove us he's wrong, and then I'll side with you." Your father said, strict.

You let out a shaky breath, tears brimming your vision. "Ha! The babys crying!" You shot Gojou one last glare before tearing yourself away from your father and storming away. Where, you weren't too sure.

"That wasn't when we first met!" Gojou protested against you. Nobara and Maki were cackling at the new information. "It was at a party! And we properly talked in high school."

"Nope," you shook your head, smug. "That was it. You really got me mad. Actually," You pointed to your head. "You dug your nails in my scalp so hard, that I started bleeding. That was when I found out my cursed technique."

Gojou took your hands in his, pushing his shades up, so you saw the sincerity in his eyes. "I am so sorry."

"Do you remember where you ran off to?" Panda asked.

You pressed your lips together, looking down, pretending to think. You then shook your head. "No, I don't think so."

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