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You walked towards the train station, phone near your ear. "Iri-chan!" You tried to sound as bubbly and non-panicky as you could.

"Where are you, I'll only pick you up if it's near me, and get to the point, why did you call?"

"Straightforward as always," you chuckled awkwardly, getting silence from the other line. You sighed, stopping. "Look, I'll tell you when I see you. And I'm at the train station."

You heard her hum. "I'll be there in a few minutes. You're lucky you're close."

"Yes, I am. See you in a few, then." She ended the call and you dialed someone else. Once she answered, you grinned proudly once you heard her voice. "Kugi-chan! How you doing?"

"I'm packing right now," she answered, and you heard her shuffling around.

You smirked. "You just started to pack, didn't you?"

"Huh? Sensei, I'm very organized, I don't know why you'd even suggest-" You interrupted her by laughing. "Sensei!" She whined.

"Look, I know I was your sensei, but you'll be taught by someone else once you go to high school. Not to mention the curses here are way stronger than the ones in the country." You warned.

You were sure she rolled her eyes. "I know that sensei, you've told me countless times. Also, about the new sensei. Why can't you just teach me?"

"I don't work as a high school teacher," you answered. "You know that. But don't worry about the new sensei. He's not too stereotypical as a teacher, but I along with many other people would say he's the strongest sorcerer. You're in good hands."

"Mm, I believe you."

"You better," you saw Shoko pull up at the side of the road. "Well, I have to go now. Just a heads up, I won't be there to pick you up tomorrow."

"Huh? Why?"

"Personal business. I know it's not good to lie to your sensei the moment you meet him, but mind telling him that I picked you up and needed to stay where you live for a bit?"

"And if he asks why?"

"Tell him I said it was confidential." She complied , obviously wanting to question you but the both of you shared quick goodbyes before you ended the call.

You knocked on Shoko's car window and she unlocked the door. You stopped into the passenger seat. "Thanks for picking me up."

Once you closed the door she looked at you expectantly. You ignored her and stared out the window until she finally spoke. "You have to tell me now or else I'll dump you on the road."

"Fine," you muttered, looking at her. "I'll tell you when we get to your house."

She groaned and stepped on the gas, driving as fast as she could with a speed limit. "Have you told Gojou?" She asked. You shook your head. "Oh, so it's serious." You nodded.

You got to her place quite quickly. She pulled you out of the car, hurrying ot her apartment. Once she'd shoved you inside and closed the door, "Talk."

You were nervous, and took a deep breath of air, before smelling how awful it was. "Oh my god, you're smoking again?!"

She took out a cigarette and nodded. "I thought you loved smoking, Gojou never stops teasing you about it."

"I did," you answered, pulling the cigarette away from her before she could light it up, earning you a glare. "But.. I need to quit."

"Why the hell do you need to quit so suddenly, Gojou doesn't care that much about your stinky breath and sucky lungs you should jus"- She stopped her ranting once she saw you teary eyed and fishing for something in your pocket. "Oh. No way. You're not"-

You took it out and showed it to her.

"Yeah," you let out a shaky breath. "I am. I very much am."

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