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double update cause i like seeing your comments, what are you guys so funny for?? may you give me some of the humor???

"Y/N?" You heard Gojou's footsteps coming closer, and nervously fidgeted with your fingers.

"In the dining room!" You called out. He walked in and immediately stared at the food on the table. You bit your lip, examining his reaction. He was in his casual clothes. As he took off his sunglasses, you cleared your throat. "I.. made dinner. To apologize."

"For forgetting our anniversary?" Gojou asked, knowing very well it was that, as he sat down in the other seat. "Or for going off with some guy on our anniversary?"

Your eyes widened. Under the couch, Fushiguro had to cover Itadori's mouth with his hand so he didn't gasp. "I.. you know"-

"Mhm, yeah. Let's eat."

You both ate in silence. You glanced at the clock, realizing it had been a few minutes already. "So, I heard about the Goodwill Event. The kids said you were great."

"Yup." He said as he played with his food. "This tastes like shit."

"Woah," you were taken aback by the bluntness. "Um, it was rushed, so yeah, maybe that's why." He didn't reply. "So, uh, funny thing, the kids think that we're going through a bit of a rough patch."

"I agree," he said, bored.

"Well, I do too I guess, but they think that we," you chuckled lightly. "That we'll have a divorce."

"A possibility." Your heart felt like it stopped. The first and second years that were hiding all held their breath.

"I'm sorry.. What?"  You bit your lip, feeling your eyes water up. "You're.."

"I'm joking," Gojou said, still looking serious as he leaned back in his chair. "Don't get so fussed up about it."

"Satoru, that's not something to joke about," you said lowly.

"Ugh, I can't do anything!" Gojou threw his hands up, making you flinch and while the kids noticed, Gojou didn't. Fushiguro was itching to stop hiding and hit Gojou, despite him being his teacher.

"Are.." you narrowed your eyes at him. "Are you drunk?"

"I can't joke around, I can't drink, I can't even have kids! I don't even know why I go to all the trouble!"

"Satoru, you can't actually be telling me that your drunk, you know you shouldn't be. What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Your voice had slightly risen but you made sure you lowered it at the end of your sentence once you remember the two of you weren't the only people home.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want!" He spoke loudly, it was almost like he was yelling. "I don't need a wife telling me to do whatever! You know, you have no use to me anyways, I don't know why I keep you around"-

"Satoru," you whispered.

"All you've done is cause trouble for me, from the moment we got together till now. Maybe I should finally give the elders what they want, be a little pushover like you"-

"Satoru," you said again, a bit louder.

"Finally just get a divorce like they want, I'd much rather that than have a kid with you."

"Satoru!" You yelled, standing up abruptly. You couldn't even look at him. You let out a shaky breath. "Come on, let's just.. Just go to bed."

"Fine," Gojou got up lazily, heading to the stairs, slightly uncoordinated as he swayed. He somehow noticed you not moving. "You coming?"

"No, I have to clean the dishes." You used your dominant hand to keep your other hand steady, your whole body shaking heavily. "I'll be there."

Gojou nodded and headed up, as you stood in place shaking. Once you heard the door upstairs slam shut, you fell back down on your chair. Immediately, the back door opened and the couches were lifted up as the first and second years rushed to your side. You covered your face, shaking your head. You couldn't cry, you shouldn't cry, you wouldn't cry. Not in front of his students abut your stupid, stupid relationship problems.

You were still shaking but you looked up at the kids, with a very forced smile. Nobara rubbed circles on your back, and you wished you could tell her how grateful you were, but you were still too shaken up to do that.

"I think you should go back to the school," you said. "You guys have school tomorrow. I'd prefer to just sort out things on my own terms. I promise it'll.. I'll try to make it all okay."

The guys slowly headed out, while Nobara and Maki stayed with you for a bit. Nobara was still rubbing your back, and Maki leaned down. "Do you want to stay somewhere else tonight?"

"No, no, I'll just.. I'll stay here. You girls should get some rest. I'll be okay. Thank you."

Maki and Nobara gave each other a look before backing down hesitantly. "We'll see you tomorrow Kamo sensei," Nobara hugged you gently.

"See you tomorrow."

Once the door closed, you started crying.

"Y/N!" You heard Gojou yell from upstairs. You hiccupped and did your best to hold back cries, the lump in your throat growing. "Where are you?"

"Co- Coming!" You yelled back.

You slowly headed up the stairs, calming yourself down as you headed to your room. Once you were outside the door, you rubbed your eyes one last time before taking a deep breath and opening it. You don't know what you expected.

Gojou's back faced you from where he slept. You bit your lip again- it was pretty chewed out today- before slipping into bed next to him. You were still shaking immensely. "I can't believe you fell for it."

"Hu"- Gojou rolled over and had you pinned on the bed, sitting on your stomach, one hand holding down your legs, with the other hand grabbing a pillow to shove in your face. You immediately started thrashing, clawing at the mans hands. You quickly realized that this wasn't Gojou.

And while it brought some relief, you were still being choked by a random man. All good things had their bad sides.

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