Fragile; tradition

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PLEASE READ: this chapter goes into the topic of dislikingbeing uncomfortable with traditional clothing and customs. Also I learned everything about the customs from websites, tried to really look into things and double checked info on multiple different sites but if you see any misinformation, please correct me.

Was the whole reason you didn't live your life this way, the way you were living it right now, the way you saw it in the mirror, because of Gojou?

Would you have been stuck this way if he didn't exist? If you never happened to meet him? What if you'd never gotten as close as you had? If the two of you were just acquaintances, would you have gone down the path you didn't want? Would you never have been as happy as you were without him?

Was your happiness this fragile? Was your only source of freedom from someone else? How much did you take Gojou for granted?

You slapped your face, shaking your head. "I'm going to be late."

"Wait, so explain this to me again?" You opened your mouth to do so, but Gojou continued on, eyebrows furrowed. "You've got to wear the headdress that gives you a headache"-

You rolled your eyes. "I can deal with a"-

"Wait, babe, lemme get this straight please." You chuckled lightly, looking to the floor to hide the smile you were trying to fight. "It's supposed to hide a part of you?"

"Well, it's supposed to cover my horns of ego, and selfishness and those negative emotions, basically yes."

"Isn't it also supposed to show you resolve of being an obedient wife," Gojo asked, raising a brow.

You grinned, looking down at his hand, which held his phone. He saw where your gaze went and quickly stuffed it in his pants. You looked up at him, laughing. "You're really discovering all of this off of the internet?"

"Well, is it wrong?"

"I don't really know," you sighed. "Haha-ue just got me to do the clothing fitting, I didn't annoy her with 200 questions like you are."

"But if it is right," Gojo argued. "I don't want that."

You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "You don't want to have a proper wedding?"

"Yeah," Gojou nodded, as if he were saying the most sensible thing ever.

"You? Gojou Satoru, the most extravagant man alive?" You asked, sarcasm dripping from your tone. He was the only one you were comfortable talking to like this. Even with Nanami, you would joke around, but sarcasm was something you were continuously scolded about as a child, so you restricted yourself from speaking with it.

He crossed his arms. "I'm also the least traditional man alive," he countered. He wasn't wrong. If there was anything that every person knew about Gojou, it was the fact that he was not traditional. Even strangers knew, he wore a blindfold around for goodness sakes.

"I know, but we have to do a proper wedding," you said firmly. "For our families."

Gojou looked to the side, a frown on his face. "Well, this isn't their wedding."


"Yes, we've discussed it, but we didn't reach a final decision." He looked at you knowingly. You looked down. "Do you really want a wedding where our parents attend?"

You clenched your fists and looked up at him, nodding firmly. "We've already bought a kimono, and made preparations," you added. "Both of our families are expecting the wedding"-

"I didn't ask what our families want, I asked what you want."

The firmness in his voice made your eyes widen. You paused for a second before shaking your head. "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're getting married."

"Yeah but," Gojou reached out for your hand, intertwining yours with his. You both looked down at your hands. "You shouldn't say it like that. You should be happy when we get married."

"It's just a wedding," you looked up at him, smiling reassuringly. You were sure he saw it, or at least sensed it, but he looked down at your hands still. "I'm just happy thinking about spending every day after that with you as my husband."

He smiled at that last word, and pushed his sunglasses up to make eye contact with you. No one could make that look as breathtaking as when he did it. Tilting his head, he asked, "Would it make you happy for me to go along with the wedding. The... proper one?"

"Yeah it would," you nodded, with all the sincerity you could muster. It wouldn't make you that happy, but you needed to do it for the formalities. You would feel terribly guilty if not.

Gojou grimaced slightly, but he squeezed your hand and looked up. "Alright. I'll do it."

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