america; old

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"That was easy," you muttered to yourself once you were done exorcising the clown curse. It turned out to be a second grade, since less people were becoming scared of it.

"Wow," you turned around to see a fellow shaman. "That was ..impressive."

He spoke english, being an American. "Oh, hey," you smiled. "Mark, right?"

"Uh, yeah," he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Nice to meet you, Y/N?"

"Yes, yes," you nodded.

"So Y/N, would you like to get a cup of tea?" You raised a brow at him. Despite being painfully oblivious when you were younger, you could tell when people came on to you now. He realized you seemed hesitant and added, "As coworkers, you could say. You're a well known shaman so I'd like to learn while I have the chance."

"Oh, then..a cup of tea wouldn't hurt."

"You're 27?!"

"I'm not sure whether or not I should take that as an insult," you chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh sorry! I just thought you were a lot younger.."

"How about you then?" you asked, resting your chin on your palm. You and Mark had been talking for some time, you were sure it had been a half an hour or so. It had been about your line of work for the first part, how there aren't any American shamans despite the population, but the conversation ended up scraping up the more personal things. Non-business things.

"I'm 23," he answered. "Not much of a difference but.."

"No, it's a difference," you disagreed, with a small chuckle. "You'll realize when you get to be my age."

Mark laughed. "You're acting like you're an elder!"

"Not my fault, you're the one who thought I was an old woman!"

"I didn't say that," he protested, smiling. 

"Your face said it!" The two of you laughed.

"You know," Mark changed the course of conversation. "I'm actually planning on staying in japan for a bit."

"Really?" You asked, intrigued. "How's your japanese?"

"Horrible, honestly," he sighed. "All I know is  こんにちは and ありがとう, honestly."

You waved your finger at him. "ありがとうございます" you corrected. "It's more formal."

"Oh, thank you.. Um, Y/N?" You nodded to answer him. "How long will you be staying here?"

"Um, not planning on being long, honestly." You answered. "Have some things to get to in Japan. Why do you ask?"

"I was wondering if you could teach me some japanese for a bit?" he asked sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. "I mean you're really the only person I know who's fluent, so.."

"Actually.. Why not?" You grinned at him.

He looked at you, eyes wide. "Really?" You nodded. You had nothing better to do after all. No work for now, Gojou was at the school event the whole day, so going back home in the afternoon- which would be Japan's night - would be fine. If something came up, you'd go.

"Yeah, really! I don't have much time, but I could teach you a lot in a few hours, if that's your style? For being a foreigner, there's just a few things you should definitely learn."

About two hours later, Mark was pretty much burnt out. "Wow, that was a lot. I think I got it all though."

"That's great!" You smiled at him. "Some more practice tomorrow morning and you'll be fine. If you need anything you could just text me."

"I'd need your number for that.." You gestured your hand at him to take out his phone and he quickly fumbled with his pockets, taking out his phone and handing it to you. You giggled slightly at his nervousness, before adding yourself in his contacts.

"We're closing up!" A worker called from behind the counter.

You passed Mark his phone back. "Where are you staying Y/N-san?" Mark asked.

You grinned. "Wow, using the labels already, huh? It's alright with us though, we're friends, no need for the san. All though, senpai would have a good ring, right? Y/N-senpai?" Mark stuttered, making you laugh. "I'm joking, I'm joking. Anyways, I'll have to book into a hotel. Do you think any stores will be open? I should buy some pyjamas."

"Well, you're staying here because you had to teach me, so why don't you stay at my place? As a way of saying thank you?" He asked.

You shook your head. "That's sweet but it's probably best I get a hotel room. I wouldn't want to disrupt you and whoever you live with."

"But you'd have to spend money on the hotel and clothes"-

"Money isn't a problem," you waved him off, patting his shoulder. "Thank you, really, though."

"I'll walk you to the hotel then," Mark insisted.

"Well, that's al"-

"We're closing!" the worker yelled again.

You and Mark shared a look before laughing and heading out. "So, Mark," you interrupted the silence that had filled the two of you for a bit as you walked. "Why are you going to Japan?"

"The shamans, honestly. You all are incredible. I'm sure you must know but the three great shaman families? They're unbelievably cool! But they're pretty old fashioned. That's why Gojou Satoru is so cool, like wow, the guy is just.. He's so powerful y'know? I wanna be like him, could never because I don't have his cursed energy- which I've heard is amazing- but I'd like to be as close to alike as I can. Oh my god, you've probably met him right?"

"Oh, Gojou-senpai?" Keeping it a secret would amuse you. He seemed to really like Gojou after all. "He was a year older than me in the high school I went to. I see him around now and then, but we don't really talk. He's really, uh, cold, and closed off."

Mark listened very intensely, and you had to do your best to keep a straight face. It was probably the biggest struggle you'd ever faced.

You told him so many more stories that he just gobbled up. Americans are so fun, you thought to yourself, holding back hysterical laughter. 

I wrote this while having a writers block a few weeks ago, excuse the terrible writing, I wanted to throw up while editing it

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